I Made the Myth Template

Chapter 242: Explore the real world

"It's up to you to do this."

Su Heng waved the willow branch and instructed.

by the foot of the mountain.

Curled up in a shadow, even in bright sunlight, it is still difficult to see the phantom dragon of its form.

At this moment, he recovered from his sleep all night, and followed the guide to the willow tree.

It uses the horns on its head.

He rubbed the willow branch beside him intimately, obviously very close to the willow tree.

No wonder.


The origin of the phantom dragon itself is probably not simple.

Deep in the dark mountains, the flames left behind have not been extinguished for hundreds of years, and they are suspected to be the handwriting of Youdu Heihuang.

And another point...

It was also thanks to the cultivation and nurture of the willow tree that the phantom dragon was able to escape its difficulties and was born.

Between the two, there is a heart-to-heart connection.

A crystal clear willow branch fell from the air, lightly. ,

The phantom dragon opened its mouth.

Three willow tree daughters over one meter long, like beads, were swallowed into the belly by the phantom dragon.

Growth of the third life level.

The most important thing is to find a way to absorb real energy.

If you want to quickly complete the accumulation, or just like Camia, directly swallow a large amount of the third life level demon plus the auxiliary digestion of the swallowing talent.

Natural growth is fast, and of course the risks are high.

those great monsters.

Even the strongest among template creatures like Kamiya encountered fatal danger several times in battle.

Other templates…

If there is one step wrong, it will be an irreversible result.

The other method is also the method adopted by most of the powerhouses of the third life level.

That is to enter the real world and practice there.

In doing so, the risk is lower.

But it took quite a long time.

Moreover, the real world is full of dangers, all kinds of powerful creatures and strange and unpredictable environments.

Safety is only relative.


Now that Liu Shu has the talent of [One Qi and Three Cleansing], he can try it out with confidence.

According to the description on the talent.

Even if the daughter is injured or even destroyed in the process of growth, it will not have a fatal impact on the main body.

Of course…

If the child is destroyed.

The vitality stored in the sub-body will also be completely lost.

Also, according to some research by Willow.

The birth of the offspring is not random, except that when the talent is acquired for the first time, three offspring can be created in one go.

Afterwards, each seedling is created.

There will be a certain cooling time, and a lot of life force consumption.

This is also normal.

Even if it is a legendary talent, there will be various restrictions.

Otherwise, with the strength of the [One Qi and Three Cleansing] talent, he can infinitely cultivate the offspring, even if it is a life form of the restricted area, Willow is completely fearless.

It is also the cultivation of the third life level.

The situation of Willow and Kamiya was different.

Camia has a wide range of activities, and it happens that the line between the real and the unreal is getting thinner by the day.

The big devil worm nests came one after another.

It provides abundant nutrition to the growing Kamia, which also enables Kamia to quickly complete the accumulation of the third life level.

The willow tree can take the second method and directly root its daughter in the real world.

The three seedlings absorb nutrients together.

Plus a lot of demon swarms and other types of creatures in the real world.

The growth rate of the willow tree may be faster than that of Kamiya.

The phantom dragon doesn't look very big, and its body is slender.

But as a powerful being of the third life level, its body length is also more than 100 meters, and its body thickness is more than ten feet. It swallows the three daughters of the willow tree with ease.


Those daughters are kept in the body of the phantom dragon.

And Liu Shu's part of consciousness can also observe the environment where the phantom dragon is located through his own child.

This is used for remote control.

And, even better.

Even if the phantom dragon encounters trouble in the real world, as a last resort, willow tree can pour his own vitality into one of the daughters, force it to ripen, and burst out with power comparable to the limit of the third life level.

"The real world..." Thinking of this, Su Heng also had a faint feeling of anticipation in his heart.

According to Basaro.

The real world is actually the place where human beings originally lived in the Golden Age.

And the perception world they live in now is just an imitation in the subspace.

Su Heng had glimpsed a corner of the splendid civilization achieved by human beings in the golden age.

Of course…

Three hundred years have passed in a hurry.

What kind of scene is that world now?

But no one has heard of it.

Now, it is possible to use the talent of the phantom dragon to go deep into the real world and observe it carefully.

After the barriers between the subspace and the physical universe are completely dissipated.

The former enemies still have to fight after all. It's better to be prepared in advance than to do nothing at all.

in the valley.

The mist is surging, and the rays of light are flowing.

Branches hang down from the void, with a strange rhythm that seems to exist.

Gently stroked on the slender body of the phantom dragon.

The phantom dragon was born from the nirvana of the once powerful creature. Although it was just born, its wisdom has long been psychic, and it is not weaker than ordinary people.

At this moment, after realizing the task entrusted by Liu Shu, he immediately nodded seriously.

After reluctantly shaking his head and wagging his tail.

The phantom dragon opened its mouth and let out a silent roar.

A ripple.

It exploded in the air, driving endless qi movement.

In front of it, the peaceful space was slowly collapsing, and a dark crack appeared.

Void turbulence and the turbulent warp chaotic energy gushed out of it, and the surrounding mountains, rocks, clouds and mists returned to chaos under this power, and they corroded silently.

not far away.

The Peregrine Falcon and the Hell Dog also raised their heads abruptly.

Looking at the crack that suddenly appeared in front of him, there was a faint unease in his expression.

The phantom dragon finally looked back.

Then, under the talent, the body slowly faded, and it disappeared into the crack in front of him until it disappeared completely.

Su Heng closed his eyes.

However, he can still feel that his perception is pinned on the child of the willow tree.


Those newly born daughters are still too weak, and they basically have no fighting power without taking root.

Therefore, consciousness fell into the body of the phantom dragon.

Su Heng could only be regarded as a bystander for the time being and could not intervene.

However, this is enough.


real world.

This world has been completely destroyed in the tragic war.

Pieces of meteorites fell from the sky like rainstorms, and volcanoes were squeezed alive in the geological changes.

Thousands of nuclear warheads, like the fireworks of doomsday, burst into bloom in the final war.


There are many, many powerful weapons that are not even recorded in the Void Treasures, which shine in the Doomsday War.

These weapons are devastating to Terraria.

The self-recovery ability of the ecosystem is almost completely destroyed. Coupled with the rampant swarm of aliens, and the frequent appearance of demons.

The environment that led to the real world was more than three hundred years after the end of the war.

Instead of recovering, it became even more dangerous.


The phantom dragon carrying three willow tree daughters appeared in the real world.

The sky was overcast.

Thick gray clouds hung low, completely obscuring the sun on the sky.

The ground was red.

In the dark mountains, the dense forest completely disappeared. There are traces of burning flames everywhere, and the huge dark mountain range was broken by a huge meteorite on the ground.

Looking down from the sky where the phantom dragon is located.

It was like a big dragon standing on the ground, its spine was broken by external force.

An inexplicable tragic atmosphere surged out.

"Using meteorites as kinetic weapons..."

Just seeing the mountain range that was smashed alive, Su Heng could recall the tragic scene when the war broke out.

The resistance army left over from the golden age of mankind hides the military base in the dark mountains.


Those mighty alien creatures.

Directly use great power to drop the meteor from the sky.

It's like crushing a bug, no matter how unwilling you are to resist, in the end it's just a dead end.

see such a sight.

Su Heng also felt his tongue go dry for a while.

He was thinking, if it was his template Camia, Willow and the others who grew up in the golden age, would the ending change if those aliens came?

I'm afraid not…

Eni Kone once said that there were also restricted-area-level evolutionaries in the golden age.

But those who are as strong as gods and demons.


It didn't change the fate of this world.

Some of them died in the starry sky or died in their homeland, but some of them chose to leave their homes and continue the civilization.

But, on second thought.

The awakening template has only been half a year, and Kamiya has already touched the peak reached by the golden age.

In a few years, Su Heng couldn't conclude that these template creatures with their own characteristics.

How far can it grow.

"However, if you want to rebuild a civilization, just relying on template creatures is not enough." Su Heng thought to himself.


It is a collection of many individuals united under a common goal to develop and progress together.

Its main body is intelligent life.

If you want to build a civilization, you must have a large number of intelligent life as the foundation.

"It's too early to think about this matter. If conditions permit, the template creatures can collect more relatives..."

When the template creature was just born, it was still weak.

Growth is naturally the number one priority.

The so-called dependents have become a drag.

but now…

As template creatures grow, so does their sphere of influence.

Collect relatives and build your own power.

It is also inevitable.

Seeing that after hundreds of years in the real world, there has not been the slightest trace of war.

Su Heng was filled with emotion for a while.

Now that he has more important things to do, it is not convenient to continue wasting time here.

He will continue to work with the phantom dragon to find a suitable place for the willow tree to take root.

Now this mountain range is cut off, and the land is thousands of miles away.

It is definitely not suitable for the current willow tree to grow. The cultists walk back and forth here, and the restricted area is too dangerous.

Moreover, the land here is barren, and there is no way to absorb any nutrients.

Think so.

Su Heng used the willow tree to convey a thought towards the phantom dragon. Immediately, the phantom dragon shook its body gently and flew towards the northern sky.

In the perception world, the Dark Mountains go north.

is to Beijing.

The real world is the basis for the formation of the perceived world. If you want to come to the geographical location of the two, you should also take care of each other so that there is not much difference.

In this way, Su Heng went all the way north.

The body of the phantom dragon is like a shadow, and it is difficult to detect.

At this moment, walking in the lead cloud, surrounded by thunderstorms, even if there is lightning formed in the collision of the clouds, it is difficult to cause damage to the phantom dragon.

On the contrary, it provides a natural cover for its actions.

during flight.

Several times, the flying units of the insect swarm passed by the phantom dragon, turning a blind eye and flying away on their own.

Seeing this, Su Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

The life level of those flying insects is not high, but once they are detected.

It is easy to attract the attention of the swarm leaders behind the flying insects. The strength of the swarm leaders is not inferior to that of the big demon.

Moreover, compared with the big devil who likes to fight alone and is irritable and irritable.

Those swarm leaders should be too cautious.

Not only do they have well-functioning armies, but their favorite is rocking crowds.

compare the two.

As a result, when Su Heng looked at those big demons now, he felt a little more refined.

If it wasn't a last resort, Su Heng really didn't want to be hit by a large swarm of insects.

The phantom dragon flies extremely fast.

It looks like an ever-extending black dotted line.

All the surrounding scenery was continuously elongated in Su Heng's perception and disappeared from his field of vision.

In less than ten minutes, Wangjingcheng appeared in front of Su Heng.

This ancient city…

After several ups and downs and changing owners, after all, it was unable to escape the fate of perdition.

The buildings that were hundreds of meters high into the sky collapsed in the shock wave caused by the meteorite, and countless steel and iron frames were exposed naked in the air.

However, the environment here is much better than that of the Dark Mountain Range.

Clouds dissipated.

A golden beam of light fell from the sky.

Terraria's ozone layer has been battered by the war, and the radiation carried by these beams is even more deadly.

Under the beam…

Some green weeds and ivy grow along the streets of abandoned buildings.

Faint dust, dancing freely in the air.

On the street, there are some zombie-like things shaking back and forth in the sun.

Their skin was pale, withered flesh drooped on the skeleton, and the two eyes in the deeply sunken eye sockets were like eggs laid by some kind of insect, which looked particularly terrifying.

"Three hundred years have passed. It stands to reason that the human beings in the Golden Age should have been turned into bone powder long ago. How could it be..."

Su Heng's consciousness was hidden in the phantom dragon's body.

Looking at the scene in Wangjing City, his brows gradually raised and his expression was serious.

Could it be…

Are there any human beings left in the real world?

Roar! ! !

Before Su Heng could think about it~lightnovelpub.net~, he saw that the living corpse that was being observed by him suddenly raised its head, the scarlet pupils and the defenseless phantom dragon stared at each other. Together.

An extremely chaotic and filthy spiritual force, spanning a distance of thousands of meters, like a steel needle, pierced into the spirit of the phantom dragon.


In Su Heng's heart, he groaned.

Realizing that for some reason, he was discovered by a being hiding in Wangjing City.



He heard a loud noise like thunder, coming from the ground.

After that, the entire Wangjing City began to shake slightly, as if a huge creature was about to emerge from the city.