I Made the Myth Template

Chapter 354: Unlock the 6th template

Although the war is over, it is over.

However, Garon did not leave the island of Santorini immediately.

In the city of the orcs, one of the three giants of the Radiant Legion, Nero, was also imprisoned in a dungeon.

This guy fell into the hands of the enemy and was brutally abused. The poisonous chains passed through the strong body of the Purgatory Flying Dragon, the left and right heads were also chopped off, and a large amount of anesthesia was injected into his body.

However, from another perspective.

Nero's luck was quite good.

Because to prevent Nero from escaping from the dungeon.

The dungeons are built quite thickly and are located in remote parts of the city.

During the battle between the Star God and Garen, the dungeon that was originally used to imprison the flying dragon happened to be a measure to protect it.

Radiation and particle torrents shattered the city, and the surface sank and twisted in the aftershocks, but the prison was lucky to survive, and Nero was eventually rescued.


On the Gobi Desert.

The **** dragon-toothed soldiers slashed down with the giant axes in their hands.

The chains used to bind Nero were snapped, and two teams of dragon-fang soldiers dragged the heavy chains and stripped these vicious torture instruments from the dragon's body.

As an outlier, Nero's vitality is exceptionally tenacious.

When these torture instruments fell off him, Nero began to gasp violently.

His voice became heavy, his chest began to bully irregularly, and his muscles kept rhythmically like water waves.

Half a sound.

Nero suddenly opened his eyes.

He let out a roar, waving his claws and fangs to attack all around.

But soon, they were subdued by the dragon tooth soldiers.

This guy's current state is very weak, and he can't exert one-tenth of his strength in the heyday. Some ruthless dragon-tooth soldiers secretly attacked Nero's remaining head twice.

Nero wakes up.

Only then did he realize that the war was completely over.

He looked around in confusion, and then saw a huge mountain of shadows blocking the sunlight.

"You make me very disappointed."

I don't know when.

Garen appeared in front of Nero. He didn't use a half-dragon form, but his body.

The majestic aura emanated from the huge body, even if it didn't come out maliciously, but after hearing this sentence, the most reckless beast in the Radiation Legion also lay on the ground obediently, trembling all over.

"My lord, I have failed your expectations."

Nero took a deep breath, with a look of pain on his face.

In a trance, the scene of the radiant creatures who followed him into the enemy line and was slaughtered by the orcs seemed to be right in front of him.

"I made a mistake."

Nero said, "Some mistakes are forgivable, but others are unforgivable. I'm willing to pay any price for my impulsiveness, recklessness, which has cost your army so much, and even disgrace your light. ."

Nero took a deep breath and said heavily, "I am willing to use my death to atone for my sins!"


The strong wind blew through and rolled up the dust.

After speaking, Nero buried his head on the ground, and the surrounding dragon-tooth soldiers stood beside the emperor, like a solidified sculpture.

In front of Nero, Garen's eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and a dangerous light flashed on his ravaged face.

He raised his hand and dropped it.


Nero closed his eyes.

But after waiting for a long time, the expected pain did not come.

The broad palm fell on him, almost covering Nero's entire body.

In the perception world, Nero made all the enemies of the Empire tremble and fear with his ferocious appearance and cruel bloodthirsty personality.

However, in front of the Great Emperor.

This monster is just a slightly bigger hamster.

The majestic and warm radiance seeped out from the giant claws and poured into Nero's body, and the wounds left in Nero's body from the torture began to heal quickly. Soon after, even the two heads that Nero lost grew back. came back.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Nero raised his head in shock, his eyes filled with doubt and gratitude.

"You are the leader of the Flying Dragon clan and the leader of the Radiant Legion. Death cannot pay for the mistakes you made, it can only further expand the loss of the empire."

Garen's huge figure was shrouded in shadows, and a thunderous voice came from the sky.

"If you really intend to repay all this, then continue to follow me forward. Our journey has just begun, and what we will face in the future will be endless wars and powerful enemies, and you will not lack opportunities. ."

"Your Majesty, thank you."

Hearing Garen's words, Nero suddenly had the urge to cry.

But as the most ferocious hound in His Majesty's hands, he must not expose his weak side to the eyes of others.

Nero quickly adjusted his emotions, and when he raised his head again, the figure of the Great Emperor had disappeared from sight.


the edge of the river system.

On a cold, dead, dark planet.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound, and the incomparably hard frozen soil began to shake continuously at this moment, collapsing downwards.

Huge cracks appeared on the ground, and they continued to spread outward.


The permafrost is turning higher and higher.

The behemoth hidden under the ice sheet finally surfaced.

What recovered from the interior of the planet was a huge steel tomb. The tomb was in the shape of a garden, with a strange dark green surface. There were countless sharp towers standing in it, and a hundred-meter-high energy crystal was suspended in the middle. .

The crystal seems to be alive, rising and falling in the icy void.

The surging spiritual energy emerged from it.

Falling into the throne below like a waterfall.

The throne of thorns made of black iron was originally empty, but with the surge of surging spiritual energy, a slender figure gradually appeared above.

It was a steel forged human figure, and its appearance was not as tall and reliable as the Attas friar. The sharp face, the sharp-edged limbs, and the scarlet lip gloss applied to the face made this female figure feel ferocious and cruel.

The figure on the throne recovered and opened his eyes.

A silent, high-pitched whistle bloomed from her body and spread out in the form of waves.

In the blink of an eye, the entire planet was enveloped in the range, and even in the distant Warp, ripples were caused by the huge psychic power.

Those who can cover such a vast range with their own power and also have a powerful energy level, who can do this, at least, are the best in the restricted area-level life forms, and there is even a high possibility of a cataclysm-level existence.

The queen woke up first.

In the Queen's psionic energy, those undead warriors sleeping on this planet also heard the call and responded.

There are the Three Holy Guards holding scythes and spears, the cellar technicians wearing dark cloaks with terrifying appearances, and the vast sea of ​​tomb spiders and scarabs.

Under the shroud of spiritual energy.

This cold and dead planet is strangely reviving.

The giant immortal knelt down in front of the throne and asked in a low voice, "Empress, why did you wake me up this time?"

The figure on the throne bowed his head, and the sound was like metal rubbing piercingly, "Assagorod, I smell the filthy ancient aura on that monster."

With the Queen's voice.

Gu Luo A strong photon screen appeared in the void in front of him.

On the screen, is a beautiful blue planet, exuding a touch of vitality in the dark universe.

"It's a living person..."

"Kill them all and peel off their skins."

"Kill all the living creatures and let the universe return to its original tranquility."

After seeing the content displayed on the screen, the surrounding powerful undead warriors and the Three Holy Guards all began to whisper, and the pupils of the steel undead were full of scarlet, revealing pure desire for destruction.

The dead will hate the living.

And in the ancient war between the fear of death and the star god.

Although the steel undead won at a heavy price, they were also cursed for it.

The curse called the Flayer spreads rapidly among the steel undead dynasty. Once infected by this curse, the steel undead will madly hate life and will wage war against all carbon-based civilizations at all costs.

They were not willing to give up until the last life died out of the universe.


Perceive the world.


Su Heng woke up from his sleep, his head was still a little confused.

He lifted the quilt.

Wearing pajamas and leaning against the head of the bed, he began to calculate the gains and losses of this operation.

Overall, the gains are not small.

First of all, there are about 40,000 real relics collected from the Santorini Islands, which is just enough to unlock the sixth template.


Unlock the template and want to descend into its body.

You need to wait until 0:00 the next day. Su Heng happened to complete the accumulation of real points at around one or two o'clock today.

It is dawn now, and there are still about seventeen or eight hours to wait.


The combined armies of Galleon and Adam were victorious in the First War.

The Santorinian Islands were recovered, and Garon successfully continued to move forward in the fourth life level.

Adam, on the other hand, chose to stay in the real world in order to prevent Tut's attack. At the same time, a large number of Radiated Races, Attas Brothers and even Sea Races began to migrate to the Santorini Islands for construction and restoration work.

A thriving scene.

But at the same time, this operation is still accompanied by crises that cannot be ignored.

Although the Star God was killed, according to the Star God, the terrifying steel undead still discovered the existence of Terraria.

War can come at any time.

The Iron Undead are an ancient and mysterious race.

No one knows how strong it is, but if the Star God can intimidate it to such an extent, its strength is probably far higher than that of the Protoss.

Fortunately, however.

The real-world Terraria is a mixed bag right now.

Protoss, demons, and swarms of monsters and monsters are not easy to mess with. Even if a war is really launched, it will definitely not be the only children of Terraria who will be affected.

It's just that his homeland has been reduced to a battlefield.

This is a bit difficult to accept no matter who it is.

After some analysis.

Su Heng was awakened by the sound of a keyboard tapping.

Looking sideways, he saw a figure in a bear pajamas sitting cross-legged in front of the table under the bright morning light, with two white, tender and slender hands flying on the keyboard like butterflies, and he could almost see an illusion.


Su Heng got out of bed.

He came to the computer desk, reached out and knocked on Liu Qingqing's head.

When I was shopping last time, I bought her a bear pajamas. This girl is very precious.

Wearing it now, with two furry ears on the hood, it looks like a little monster.

It's no wonder that beautiful people look good in whatever clothes they wear. Liu Qingqing wearing one-piece trousers and pajamas has a unique charm to play games here.


After being attacked by a father's love.

Liu Qingqing let out a small exclamation, she was obviously addicted to playing games, Su Heng didn't even notice when he walked behind her.

"You fought all night?" Su Heng asked.

On the computer screen is a samurai in heavy armor and holding a long sword, dealing with a tall knight in golden armor.

Su Heng remembered that this was a soul-based game that was released not long ago, and it seemed to be called the old man ring.

According to the evaluation on the forum, the difficulty seems to be quite high.

Liu Qingqing didn't care to answer, her bright eyes stared at the screen tightly, and she performed a series of tricky operations. After a few minutes, the knight was cut down by the character she manipulated, and fell to the ground weakly, gradually turning into golden smoke and disappearing.

game over.

Only then did Liu Qingqing take off the earphones contentedly.

Stretching a little, I could vaguely hear the subtle sound of the joints emanating from the girl's body.

"Humans are really intelligent creatures, and they can actually invent such a fun thing." Liu Qingqing squinted and walked backwards, rubbing his little head secretly in Su Heng's arms.


Bringing myself into the role of a father, I always want to say a few words.

But Liu Qingqing, as a template, seems to have nothing to do after playing a game all night, her hair is still smooth, her skin is still soft, and her beautiful face like a bright moon naturally exudes a moving brilliance.

Su Heng swallowed the words and asked, "Do you need breakfast, what do you want to eat?"

"Instant noodles with eggs will do!"

Liu Qingqing raised her hand and she asked again, "How long will it take to do it well."

"Ten minutes or so."

Su Heng thought about it, the second daughter was still well supported. On the contrary, his own breakfast is a little more troublesome and takes more time to prepare.

"Okay~lightnovelpub.net~ Liu Qingqing cheered a little, "I can still play the game for a while. "

"This guy…"

More than ten minutes later.

The two sat in the living room, while Liu Qingqing took small bites of noodles while browsing the forum with Su Heng's communicator.

Su Heng's eyes were empty, staring at the sandwich in front of him in a daze.

"Did something happen?" Liu Qingqing stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Su Heng's eyes, asking with a slightly worried tone.

She has already finished her breakfast.

Su Heng hasn't moved his chopsticks yet.

"Cough cough!" Su Heng coughed twice, pretending to be mysterious, "Pinch your fingers, you may have another younger brother tomorrow."


A surprised smile appeared on Liu Qingqing's face.

Not to mention, there is a template fusion talent to support, every time a new template is born, the overall strength of the remaining templates will also increase.

Especially after Su Heng's efforts during this period of time, the relationship between different templates has been handled very harmoniously.

"Of course." Su Heng nodded and said with expectations.


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