I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1018: Mother-in-law sees son-in-law, who is be

When I heard the supervisor, I was choked.

His face was embarrassed by humiliation.

"When the restaurant of Yijia opens its doors to do business, it should be fair and honest. Who gives you the power to let you privately set up private rooms for guests?"

Yi Haiyin, who has been silent, opened his lips coldly.

He released Yan Ling's hand and stepped forward.

"Who are you again?" The supervisor glanced up and down at Yi Haiyin, and saw that he had an extraordinary temperament. He was a little jealous at first, but after watching for a long time, he didn't see any valuable things on him.

Only when he was an ordinary person, his face suddenly sank.

"Whoever gives me the power you care about, I just let you out of your private room and gave it to Mr. Chen. The people sitting in it are all VIPs. How can you give it to people like you who are comparable and familiar? I'll get out, or don't blame me for being impolite!"

"How are you going to be polite to me?" Yi Haiyin's cold eyes suddenly became cold.

He never knew that, in places he didn't know, someone actually took advantage of the power of the Yi family to deceive others.

Still bullied Yan Ling's parents...

"Security, come and blast these troublemakers out for me!" Seeing that he refused to go, the supervisor shouted loudly with a dark face.

"What's going on, it's noisy, and I'm not afraid of affecting the guests' meals." A middle-aged man in a neat suit walked out of the restaurant suddenly.

"Manager, these people are making trouble, I will blast them out immediately!" The supervisor pointed to Yi Haiyin and explained quickly.

The restaurant manager's gaze followed his fingers and looked at Yi Haiyin who was standing in front of them, his face suddenly changed and his whole body was shocked!

"Master, master, why are you here!" The manager's voice trembled, and after a few seconds, he turned around and slapped the supervisor on the face.

"Bastard thing! That's the eldest master of the Yi family, and you dare to point him, don't want to kill you!"

As soon as the manager's "big young master" uttered, the unreasonable supervisor just now became stiff, his knees softened, and he almost knelt down.

"Master Yi... Master Yi, I have no eyes, I will drive out the people in the private room for you immediately, and there will be a private room right away!"

The private room reserved by Yan Ling's parents was immediately vacated.

Yan Ling first went into the private room with his ugly parents.

Outside the private room, Yi Haiyin’s long figure was indifferent, staring coldly at the supervisor who was kneeling in front of him begging for mercy, and said every word, "Kick him out and hold him accountable for negligence. I don’t want to see this person in any property of the family."

"Yes, I will be fired right away to find out the system omissions in the restaurant." The manager replied in fear, kicking the supervisor at his feet for fear of being implicated.

The supervisor who fell to the ground at this moment no longer looked arrogant and domineering, only a pale white.


In the private room.

"Ling'er, tell me honestly, did you know that Haiyin is the eldest of the Yi family?" Mother Yan suddenly asked when she sat down with a trace of worry on her face.

Seeing Yan Ling nodded, he was immediately angry, "Why didn't you tell your parents about such a big thing in advance!"

Yijia, that is a height that ordinary people like them cannot reach.

The thought of my daughter marrying into such an unfathomable wealthy family makes people feel distressed.

"Mom, Yi Haiyin is different from ordinary rich kids. He is not what you think. He is really good to me."