I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1100: Everything she does is for me! (1)

The old waiter hurried to the living room and said anxiously.

"What are you talking about? Yin'er..." Madam Yi's body shook, she stood up, turned her head and ran towards Yi Haiyin's study.

Yi Weirao was accustomed to the wind and waves, and when he heard his son fainted, his face changed suddenly. Following Mrs. Yi, he quickly entered Yi Haiyin's study.

The huge study room, with its antique flavor, has always been Yi Haiyin's private space, and it rarely allows people to enter and leave at will.

At this moment, Yi Haiyin was lying quietly on the tatami next to him, his face pale, with no blood in sight.

She was so handsome, but she couldn't see the slightest ups and downs in her chest, so she slept quietly, as if...dead.

"Yin'er." As soon as Mrs. Yi saw Yi Haiyin like this, she rushed forward, hugged him nervously, and turned to shout at the housekeeper.

"Didn't you call a doctor? Why isn't the doctor coming? Quickly, call an ambulance and take him to the hospital!"

"Moru, calm down. Yin'er is fine. He should only be unwilling to take a rest until he faints because of fatigue. He has already called a doctor and he is fine."

President Yi stepped forward and pulled his wife away, comforting softly.

"He had a cold before, and he just retreated from the high fever, so he has been reluctant to rest. Is he trying to toss himself to death?" Madam Yi leaned in her husband's arms, enduring tears uncomfortably.

Soon, the doctor came.

After checking on Yi Haiyin, he prescribed a calming, nourishing medicine.

"In the situation of Master Yi, he refuses to eat. I can only inject glucose into him, but this is not a long-term solution. I think Master Yi has become less and less talkative recently. I am worried about his language barrier. , Is it recurring."

The doctor worried.

"What are you talking about? Yin'er's language barrier has relapsed? How could it be like this..." Madam Yi went soft and fell directly into her husband's arms.

"I'm just guessing now, and I'm not sure yet, but looking at Master Yi's appearance, he has a reaction to abandon himself. I am afraid that it will become more and more serious in the long run. You have to find someone who is willing to let him talk and chat with him more. Let him go for more walks. If he is willing to take the initiative to go out and contact people, the problem will not be big."

After the doctor finished speaking, he prescribed some more potions and invited everyone in the study out, leaving Yi Haiyin to rest alone.

As soon as President Yi helped Mrs. Yi and sent the doctor away, he saw the housekeeper walking in from outside.

"Madam, Miss Tian is here, saying that I heard that the young master is uncomfortable, so I came to visit." The butler walked to Madam Yi and replied respectfully.

"Meiying, why is she here at this time, but it's okay, the doctor didn't say just now, let us talk to Yin'er more, let Meiying come in to accompany Yin'er, maybe Yin'er feels better."

Madam Yi was startled, her eyes lit up, and she immediately spoke.

"Yes, I'm going to invite Miss Tian." The butler turned around and left in a hurry.

Tian Meiying soon followed the housekeeper in, and first greeted Mrs. Yi and Mrs. Yi politely. Knowing that Yi Haiyin was still in a coma, she rushed towards his study.

"Brother Haiyin, how did you become like this?" Tian Meiying walked to the tatami on which Yi Haiyin was lying, her eyes red.

"The doctor said that Yin'er was disgusted with herself. I was wondering if it had something to do with me letting Yan Ling leave him. I heard that Yan Ling has disappeared. Yin'er has been looking for her all this time, but no one was found... …"