I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1114: Yan Sheng's flaws (5)

"You dare to scold me, come here, and beat her!" The little fat man brought a bodyguard with him today, and when he heard Momo's words, he immediately became angry and waved his fat arm to make people start his hands.

"Little young master, the lord has confessed, let you stop a little bit lately, and get offended by something." There was a middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper next to Little Fatty. Hearing Little Fatty's order, he quickly stepped forward to discourage him.

"Smack--" As soon as someone stopped him, the little fat man raised his hand and slapped the person, his face full of fat, revealing the viciousness and arrogance that children shouldn't have.

"You dare to stop me even with such a humble servant? If I let you hit, you will hit me! If you don't help me kill these two people, I will let the bodyguard hit you!"

Hearing such words from a child's mouth, Xia Changyue wrinkled her brows tightly.

Reached out to protect Han Han and Momo behind him.

"When you beat people in public, who do you think you are? Whoever dares to touch my child, I will call the police immediately. I want to see, who can leave here today!"

Xia Changyue's voice sank, showing the momentum of Miss Yang Family.

After her words fell, she really drank several bodyguards who wanted to come forward to catch Han Han and Mo Mo.

"You don't fight, I'll do it myself!" The little fat man rushed towards Han Han and Momo as soon as he gritted his teeth.

"Little young master, no!" When the steward saw this situation, he didn't care about the pain on his face, so he wanted to stop the little fat man.

But the little fat man kicked his knee with one kick, and while he was bending over, he bypassed him and rushed to Hanhan and Momo quickly.

"Brother, I'm afraid!" Momo's small soft body suddenly hid behind Han Han.

Between the sparks and flints, Han Han touched his pocket with his hand, grabbed a handful of marbles he had just bought, and threw it in front of the little fat man.

The little fat man, who was rushing towards them aggressively just now, stepped on the marbles, slipped and couldn't stand, and fell on all fours!

The chubby body fell on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Wow -" wailed loudly.

"Only you, dare to bully my sister and look for death!" Han Han stretched out his hand handsomely and stroked his own hair, with cunning eyes in his big dark eyes.

The tiger does not show off his power when he is a sick cat.

One trick can clean you up!

"Little Master, Little Master, are you okay..." When the steward saw that the little fat man fell down, he rushed forward in a panic and picked him up.

"You dare to beat my young master, if something happens to my young master, you will be dead!"

"Grab them for me, I want to kill them, woo..." As soon as the little fat man got up, he couldn't care about wiping the nose and tears on his face, and immediately stared at Hanhan and Momo beside Xia Changyue.

Hearing this, several bodyguards quickly raised Xia Changyue's eyebrows and prevented them from leaving.

"Let me see who dares to move one of their hair!" Yan Chengchi's deep voice slowly sounded from behind.

A careless word, revealing a serious murder, raised his whole body with a coldness that made people dare not look directly.

As soon as he appeared, the expressions of the people present changed slightly.

Ordinary people may not know Yan Chengchi, but anyone with a little family background doesn't know Chi Shao of the first family?

"Come on, hurry!" The arrogant little fat man in charge picked up and ran away on his back.

Even the little fat man punched and kicked without stopping him, and ran out of Yan Chengchi's sight.