I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1115: Yan Sheng's flaws (6)

"Baba!" As soon as Momo saw Yan Chengchi coming back, stepping away from his short legs, she threw himself between his legs, hugging his thighs for a hug.

The little princess was scared just now, afraid.

Momo pretended to be pitiful, while staring eagerly at the melting ice cream in Yan Chengchi's hand, waiting for him to hand it to herself.

Seeing Yan Chengchi finally handed her the ice cream, he immediately ran back to Han Han holding the ice cream and handed it to Han Han.

"Brother eat first!" My brother had just protected her, and she wanted to hurt him.

"You take the ice cream I bought to honor your brother?" Yan Chengchi's body stiffened and his face turned black for a moment.

He also had another ice cream that he was going to give to Han Han, but now he didn't know who to give it to.

My heart is full of betrayed by my daughter...

Damn little fat man, why did he let people run away just now? It should be caught back and beaten again!

Inexplicably, he lost his daughter's dependence.

"Xia Changyue, reward you!" Yan Chengchi looked at the two siblings who were eating an ice cream together, and handed the other ice cream to Xia Changyue.

"I'm not a child..." Before Xia Changyue finished speaking, he glared at him, silently stretched out his hand to take the ice cream and licked it.

"Yan Chengchi, have you seen the kid just now? It's a big one?" Xia Changyue couldn't help asking, thinking of something.

"I don't know." Yan Chengchi replied without thinking.

Fast does not need to spend time thinking.

He can almost never forget the people he has seen.

What's more, in the big family, each is on guard against each other, the more you want to conceal the news, the easier it is to be dug out, so they all know the same details.

He didn't remember who had such an arrogant child in the family.

But there are no large families, and those who claim to be rich are not necessarily.

"Need me to check?" Yan Chengchi raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm just a little curious, I don't want to care about a child." Xia Changyue shook his head and handed the ice cream to Yan Chengchi's lips.

"It's delicious, would you like a bite?"

"Xia Changyue, do you treat me as your son? Let me eat ice cream?!" Yan Chengchi's face turned black.

"Then you can think of me as your daughter and buy me ice cream?" Xia Changyue counterattacked not to be outdone.

The look in his eyes said vividly: If he dared to nod his head, don't even think about getting into her bed!

When the words fell, Yan Chengchi, who was still disgusted just now, lowered his head and took a bite of ice cream, swallowed it alive, and curled his eyebrows, "Not bad."


He praised the ice cream on her with a look of poisonous expression on his face. Has he considered her mood?

After playing in the amusement park for a day, the two little guys who had played too much got into the car and fell asleep with exhaustion.

Yan Chengchi slowed down and drove slowly in the direction of the Yang family.

When they arrived at Yang's house, the housekeeper and Yan Ling heard the sound and carried the two sleeping little guys in for them.

"Did something happen to the Yi family?" Xia Changyue asked suddenly, remembering something.

Yan Ling obviously couldn't let Yi Haiyin go. If she didn't let her know about Yi Haiyin's situation, she would not be able to raise her body at ease.

"The woman who hides Yi Haiyin, thinking about dare to come and inquire about the news with me, are you not afraid that I will turn my head and leak out the news that Yan Ling is with you?" Yan Chengchi crossed the stalls and leaned on her seat with one hand. Locked her in his arms and stared at her.