I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1176: Shock! The person who came back from the

Yan Sheng seemed to have suddenly realized something, and looked at the two darlings leaning against Yan Chengchi's arms, and suddenly spoke.

"Are they not in the car at all at the time? But that car was to take them to the kindergarten, and someone was watching them get in the car, unless..."

Yan Sheng swallowed it halfway through.

Realizing that he had leaked his mouth, he looked a little gloomy towards the unhappy Chengchi.

I don't know whether his calmness is because he didn't notice what he said just now, or because he knew it a long time ago.

"Why didn't uncle continue to speak? Someone saw Hanhan and Momo get in the car with their own eyes, so they deliberately drove to hit them, wanting to let them die in the accident. In this way, I have no children, uncle can My own grandson, arranged in my name, let me raise the grandson for you, and when he grows up, he will hand over the Yan family’s inheritance to him..."

Yan Chengchi's calm voice sounded slowly in the ward.

Seeing Yan Sheng's surprised expression, he slowly opened his lips.

"It seems that the uncle is very skilled in how to use a car accident to get rid of the thorny trick. I don't know if he has extracted experience from the time he dealt with my dad?"


Every time Yan Chengchi said something, Yan Sheng's body stiffened.

Listening to him at the end, Yan Sheng was already sitting on the hospital bed, his face flushed, as if he didn't know how to answer him, he covered his mouth and coughed.

"I forgot to tell the uncle that the doctor who made the fake medical records for you has been taken away by me. If the uncle wants to get cancer or something next time, I'm afraid I have to find another way.

"..." Yan Sheng wanted to continue to pretend, and continue to hypocritically question Yan Chengchi, who on earth was telling him these bluffs.

But he looked at Shang Yan Chengchi full of mockery, and when he reached his lips, it became.

"When did you know about it?"

"Much earlier than you think!" Yan Chengchi sneered, gritted his teeth.

Finally, there was no need to look at Yan Sheng's hypocritical face, and to see him panicked and ridiculous, Yan Chengchi felt inexplicably happy.

Yan Sheng probably couldn't think of it anyway, he saw through the plan that he thought was seamless.

"Uncle really thinks that the secrets that you disappear on the first of every month can be concealed for a lifetime? A person has a secret. As long as you tear a hole, the remaining secrets will be dug out one after another."

Yan Chengchi looked at Yan Sheng in surprise, and slowly opened his lips.

If it hadn't happened that Yan Sheng could get out of bed normally and even leave the hospital secretly, he would not suspect that he had no cancer at all.

Once it is confirmed that he does not have cancer and he pretends to be seriously ill, many things will start to be unexplained.

"You came to the hospital with your two children to see me on purpose to test my attitude? You guessed that I would attack them?" Yan Shengzi squinted and looked at Yan Chengchi in disbelief.

He had been wary of himself so early.

Those who are still hidden do not show the mountains and dew, and are still respectful and filial before him.

"I just want to know what the uncle is trying to hide from me. You don't like Xia Changyue. Is it because she is Yang Muya's daughter or because you know that with her, I will have my own child sooner or later, then you Will not succeed!"