I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1220: Father and son with black belly (3)

"Why does the Yang family have no servants? No one can even pour a cup of tea?" Yan Sheng opened his lips unceremoniously as soon as he walked to the sofa and sat down.

His eyes fell on Yan Chengchi and the two little babies who were sitting on the sofa, their eyes flashed slightly, and a touch of disgust passed through their eyes.

There is no doubt that if it were not for the Yanshi Group's shares, he would wish he would never see them.

"The Yang family's rule is to drink tea, you must first look at your character, character is not good, it is said that tea, not even boiled water." Yan Chengchi hugged Momo, casually teasing her.

Seeing Han Han playing on the sofa holding blocks, he would stretch out his hand to build a block from time to time. The father and son cooperated very smoothly.

Soon, a tall tower was built.

Yan Sheng looked at Yan Chengchi who had completely ignored him, and his face sank.

"Presumably you already know what happened today. In City S, as long as I don’t let go, your son and daughter can’t even go to kindergarten! Yan Chengchi, you’d better think clearly about whether or not you should take your own hands. Sell ​​me the shares."


"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. I am willing to buy the shares in your hand at a price that is 10% higher than the market price. With this money, you can completely change the place and make a comeback without being tied up. In the Yan group, fighting with me will kill you to death."

Seeing that Yan Chengchi was silent, Yan Sheng thought he was thinking and tried harder to convince him.

But after waiting for a long time, Yan Sheng realized that Yan Chengchi hadn't listened to him at all, but was playing with the blocks with Hanhan intently.

"This piece is not right here. Move a little to the left..."

"What about this one? Can you put it on the right?" Han Han, who has always refused to admit defeat, was rarely willing to listen to someone's words. He just put a building block and picked up another one.

Yan Chengchi pointed towards the middle position, his thin lips opened slightly, "Place here, first stabilize the overall structure."

"Oh." Han Han moved his small hand and put it in the middle obediently.

The father and son worked closely together. Seeing that the height of the tower was already going against the sky, the building blocks still did not fall.

"Yan Chengchi!" Yan Sheng finally realized that he had been left by someone for a long time, and he let out a low growl.

"Wow-" The big tower just built, because of his roar, it shook down.

The tall building blocks suddenly rolled off the sofa and scattered all over the floor.

"Uncle Yan Lishun was so impatient when he was with him?" Yan Chengchi raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

Hearing this, Yan Sheng was taken aback, his expression a little ugly.

Of course he will not.

Shun'er is his only grandson. He has the only blood in this world. Even if Shun'er wants the stars in the sky, he will try to get him off. How could he be impatient?

But the two children in front of him have nothing to do with him!

"In your eyes, my two children are not worth mentioning, so why do you think that I will put you in your eyes?" Yan Chengchi looked at his expression and knew Yan Sheng's answer, and asked sarcastically.

"What do you mean by this? Don't forget, you are no longer the president of the Yan Group. I want to deal with you easily..."

"Since it's so easy, why should you come to me and buy the shares in my hand?" Yan Chengchi took the little princess into his arms again, rubbing her little head with big hands.