I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1278: Bright and blind! He must be dazzled! (5

"Wei Qingsi, should I call you Wei Qingsi or Xia Hua now?" Yang Muya's voice was slightly muffled and rang in the ward.

When the words fell, the eyelashes of the person on the hospital bed suddenly trembled for a moment.

Just a second, like an illusion, calmed down again.

"For so many years, I have not forgotten you. I really want to know, when you stole Yueyue from the hospital, did you ever think about me, an abandoned person, and how will my next life be?"

Yang Muya looked at the man in front of her with red eyes, resentment and unwillingness in her heart, but gradually became calm.

She hated it for so many years, she couldn't hate it.

She just wanted to know, did he hesitate and reluctant to give up when he gave up on her back then?

For so many years, he took their daughter, even if Yueyue's facial features are very similar to him, she always looks like her. When he looked at his daughter, did he think of him once?

People in love are humble.

She had only loved one man in her life. She loved it wholeheartedly and heart-piercingly. In the end, she ran out of all her energy. After all, she couldn't match the words "right at home" and ended up being abandoned.

Do you regret it?

Yang Muya sat in a wheelchair and looked at Xia Hua in a coma. Even if she refused to let go of her obsession with the past, there was still a voice in her heart.

She has no regrets, loved this man, she has never regretted...

Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves.

In her life, if she had not had a vigorous love, but had accepted the family marriage peacefully, and kept her life as the prerequisite for profit, her life would be worse than death.

"If you can hear me, can you tell me that you said that you would love me forever? Is it true?" She relied on this promise and persisted for more than 20 years.

Even the whole world is telling her that he doesn't want her anymore.

But she still remembers the scenes where they were together, the turmoil they met for the first time, the heart-to-heart after they fell in love, the planning he made when staying up late with her, the stage plays he watched with her, remember him Holding her hand, the road crossing together...

She never doubted Wei Qingsi's love for her.

She just doesn't know when their love has deteriorated.

Let him disappear into her life without even giving her a chance to meet.

"Dididi----" Yang Muya said, the electrocardiograph on the bedside suddenly made a harsh sound, and the person on the bed suddenly clenched his hands into fists.

On the back of his skinny hand, he could even see green veins, it seemed that he was emotionally trying to say something.

Yang Muya was sluggish for a few seconds before suddenly regaining consciousness. She wanted to call someone. She just stood up, pulled her injured foot, and fell off the wheelchair.

"Come on, hurry...call Professor Ross!" Yang Muya shouted loudly, and crawled towards the door anxiously.

The foot that the gauze was facing again leaked blood, but she didn't seem to feel any pain, but she crawled towards the door anxiously.

On the white tile floor, a long blood stain was drawn...

"Madam!" The nurse rushed over after hearing the sound, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, but Yang Muya grabbed her sleeves anxiously.

"Quickly, go call Professor Ross..." Yang Muya hadn't finished her anxious words. The nurse was also startled by the voice of the ward, and turned around and ran out!

It is a person who is a dog watching by himself, a person who does human affairs and speaks people's words, a dog always speaks and does dog things, and a dog can never change