I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1302: I prepared a big gift for you (5)

Xia Changyue was taken aback, caught between his parents, holding Xia Hua's sleeves at a loss, acting like a baby with him as before.

She is father's most precious jewel in the palm of the hand. Before, as long as she acted like a baby, Xia Hua would definitely follow her in everything.

But this time, Xia Hua only slightly opened his lips: it was all over.


Xia Hua didn't seem to be willing to talk about the past before her, as if he was worrying about something, but his reaction made Xia Changyue feel that something must have happened in the past that made him so silent.

"Dad, have you ever loved your mother? I'm talking about the mother who took care of me when I grew up." Xia Changyue bit her lip and asked hesitantly.

Xia Hua and Yang Muya must have moved true feelings back then, otherwise there would not be her.

But after Xia Hua left the Yang family with her daughter more than 20 years ago, she never contacted Yang Muya again, and instead married another woman.

Xia Changyue recalled her childhood. In her impression, her parents had never quarreled. She always thought that her parents were loving parents, but now she suddenly felt unspeakable.

It made her want to figure out what was going on back then.

Why did Xia Hua and Yang Muya separate?

Why would Xia Hua be with her mother who grew up taking care of her...


Xia Hua didn't seem to expect that she would ask this way, and she couldn't react for a while, but the light in her eyes still made Xia Changyue feel that he could not hide his guilt for his late wife.

Only guilt, but no other emotions...

"Then do you still love mom?" Xia Changyue asked suddenly, as if she understood Xia Hua's emotions.

It's just a simple sentence without any explanation, but both father and daughter know very well that this "mother" refers to Yang Muya.

Xia Hua frowned, as if resisting this question very much.

The complex emotions of love and hate made his pupils extremely deep, and he looked at Xia Changyue for a long time.

The father and daughter seemed to be in a game, no one would admit defeat.

I don't know how long it took before Xia Hua closed his eyes gently, unwilling to say another word.

But his reaction has explained everything...

Xia Changyue's throat was a little dry, and suddenly she didn't know what to say.

Xia Hua and Yang Mu Ya are still in love with each other, but they can only use hatred to worry about each other. What happened between them to become like this?

What is the reason that Xia Hua would rather leave with her daughter instead of seeing Yang Muya again?

He married someone else, is there any problem?

Countless questions circulated in Xia Changyue's heart, and each one made his chest tight.

I wanted to ask clearly, but Xia Hua was obviously no longer willing to speak.

"Miss Xia, the patient should rest. Let me take care of it." The nurse walked in and reminded Xia Changyue.

Hearing that, for the sake of Xia Hua's body, Xia Changyue didn't dare to stay any longer. He greeted Xia Hua and left.

Her petite figure just disappeared at the door, Xia Hua, who had just closed her eyes, opened her eyes suddenly and fixedly looked at the direction she was leaving.

In my ears, the question that Xia Changyue had just kept echoing.

Does he still love her?

In his whole life, he only loved one woman, but he couldn't love it. After so many years of hating, he never forgot...

How would he say these words to his daughter?

He will never forget the scene of seeing their daughter in the hospital...

It is a person who is a dog watching by himself, a person who does human affairs and speaks human things, a dog always speaks human words and does dog things, and a dog can never change