I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1446: The perfect wedding! (2)

Yan Group.

The new general meeting of shareholders is being held in full swing.

As the shareholder with the largest shareholding, Yan Chengchi took the position of chairman and president without any dispute.

As soon as the shareholders' meeting ended, people from all families came to congratulate him, but Yan Chengchi didn't see a single one. He hugged his wife and sat on the office sofa to read the honeymoon travel brochure.

Xia Changyue is pregnant. After their wedding is over, they can't go too far for their honeymoon, but can only find a place closer.

"Yan Chengchi, do we really care about the wedding?" Xia Changyue's petite body, leaning comfortably on Yan Chengchi's chest, muttered a little uneasy.

How can two people get married, so laid back like them, don't worry about anything.

"My parents will be happy to worry about us." Yan Chengchi narrowed his eyes and opened his thin lips.

Yang Muya and Xia Huagang settled their suspicions, and now let them prepare for the wedding together, just to make up their regret that they were not able to get married.

When his words fell, Xia Changyue seemed to understand, and he reached out and hugged his strong waist.

"Yan Chengchi, why are you so good, I think I have found a treasure."

"Well, just know it, and cherish it." Yan Chengchi turned around and pressed her onto the sofa, closing her lips with her head down.

Repeated grind, kissed for a long time, then raised his head unsatisfactorily and gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Xia Changyue, how long will I have to endure?"

Yan Chengchi's forehead was full of sweat.

Xia Changyue: "..." He can't be blamed for this. He insisted on giving birth to the second child.

"I didn't know at the beginning, I couldn't do anything when I was pregnant!" Yan Chengchi understood her eyes, and his tone became more and more depressed.

She was less than three months pregnant, and she was pregnant in October plus one month of confinement... He still had to hold back for eight months!

Yan Chengchi stretched out his hand heartily and pulled on his tie. He wanted to hang himself by his neck now!

"..." Actually, it's not that you can't do anything during pregnancy. It's just that Yan Chengchi was too nervous. The previous time, she almost had a miscarriage. Xia Changyue didn't leave a psychological shadow on her own, but she scared Yan Chengchi.

In his eyes, she was as expensive as a foam doll, and she would break when touched.

"Xia Changyue, I thought of a good way." Yan Chengchi lowered his head and pecked on her lips, met her curious gaze, and said something in her ear.

"Rogue!" Xia Changyue's face flushed immediately, and she reached out and grabbed the pillow to cover her face.

She was deaf and didn't hear anything just now...

"Knock—" The office door rang suddenly.

Xia Changyue quickly threw away the pillow in his hand, got out of Yan Chengchi's arms, and prepared it next to him.

Jin Tezhu quickly walked in from outside and walked to Yan Chengchi's side.

"Chi Shao, just received the news that Yan Sheng has undergone inspections by many mental hospitals. He does have a mental disorder, but no one has discovered that the court has changed his sentence from death to life imprisonment due to his special circumstances."

Jin Tezhu gritted his teeth unwillingly.

Yan Sheng did so many bad things and killed so many innocent people, but in the end he couldn't let him pay for his life. It was too cheap for him!

"Yan Sheng fought for fame and gain all his life, and he did not hesitate to kill his father and brother. Power is more important to him than fate. Now that he has nothing, it is the heaviest punishment for him. There is no difference between living and dying."

It is a person who is a dog watching by himself, a person who does human affairs and speaks people's words, a dog always speaks and does dog things, and a dog can never change