I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1536: like him! (11)

Seeing the waiter coming in with the thick soup, just about to walk past her, there was a calculation in her eyes!

He moved his foot calmly and stretched out towards the waiter.

"Ah—" The waiter was holding the tray, but suddenly she stumbled, and the thick soup in his hand was poured in Yan Shumo's direction!

No one thought that such an accident would happen, almost all of them watched, seeing that the bowl of soup was about to be poured onto Yan Shumo's face, Su Jing's hands pulled the napkin hard, and the corners of her mouth had a successful smile.

At the very moment, Bai Chenya, who was sitting next to Yan Shumo, rushed towards her without thinking, pressing her petite body against his broad chest.

His suit jacket was very wide, and when he turned around, he firmly protected her.

The warm soup was all splashed on his back, but Bai Chenya didn't even groan, but lowered his head to check Yan Shumo in his arms.

"Have you been hot?" Bai Chenya said, before she could speak, his hand had touched her body up and down to make sure that she was all dry, and the tight nerve was loosened. .

"Sir, are you okay? Would you like to change your coat first..." The waiter stood behind Bai Chenya with a panic face and asked nervously.

Everyone's first reaction when encountering danger was to protect themselves, but Bai Chenya ignored the danger and stood in front of Yan Shumo.

The whole bowl of thick soup was spilled on Bai Chenya's back. It seemed that he didn't feel any pain. Instead, he first cared about Yan Shumo, who had not splashed any soup...

When Yan Shumo saw the thick soup pouring toward him, she was completely stunned.

When she recovered, Bai Chenya's hand had already touched her body, knowing that he had no other thoughts, but was worried about her, but when his hand was walking around her, Yan Shumo's body It's like passing through a burst of current.

I even forgot what to react.

Knowing that she heard the voice of the waiter, she seemed to wake up in a flash, raised her head to look at Bai Chenya's pale face, and stretched out her hand to look at his back.

"I'm fine." Bai Chenya's voice was very soft, and she grasped her hand slightly hard, as if to comfort her.

Seeing that she was not moving, she raised her head slightly and looked at Special Assistant Wang.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

"I'll accompany you." Yan Shumo said without thinking, completely forgetting that she is a girl, how could she follow Bai Chenya into the bathroom.

The picture is too imaginative.

But now she was worried about whether Bai Chenya was scalded and how could she care about it. Seeing him stunned, she dragged him towards the bathroom in the private room.

As soon as he closed the door, he rushed to take off his coat.

"I said it's okay. You are like this. People can see me. I thought you were going to eat me." Bai Chenya leaned on the door panel with one hand, restrained Yan Shumo in his chest, and raised his eyebrows jokingly.

"I don't believe it, unless you let me take a look at your back." Yan Shumo bit her lip and said stubbornly.

There are two extremely smart men in her family, and she is not so foolish.


Bai Chenya didn't expect that her vigilance would be so high, seeing that she couldn't hide it, she turned around and took off her coat.

Fingers with distinct phalanx turned to Yan Shumo when he unbuttoned his shirt. With deep eyes, he stared at her without turning for a moment, as if asking her if he really wanted to see him without clothes... …