I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1561: I am her brother! (4)

"Even if you have become a regular employee, you must follow the normal process to end the internship period before arranging other tasks. You are avenging your personal revenge!" Before Bai Chenya could speak, Yan Shumo couldn't help refuting.

"The internship period is for intern employees. Bai Chenya has made an exception and has now become a regular employee. This proves that the president has recognized his ability to work. I can naturally treat him as a full-time employee. Why, you have to question the president's vision of people. ?"


"Yan Shumo, you are a person who has been criticized by the president in public. I have not fired you now. It is already a kindness outside the law. If you don't think about yourself well, and dare to stand up for others, it is impossible for you to still want to contradict yourself. Your boss?"


What else Yan Shumo wanted to say, Bai Chenya had already stretched out her hand to hold her, and pushed her back to her seat.

He raised his eyebrows lightly and looked at Special Assistant Wang.

"No matter what the task, I can do it."

"Count you acquainted!" Wang Tezhu satisfactorily handed over a schedule to him, "Follow the instructions above, and report back to me when you are done."

Bai Chenya glanced at the tasks above, all of which were to leave the Yan Group to run errands outside.

He doesn't worry that he won't be able to complete it. With so many tasks to complete, I'm afraid he won't be able to come back to dine with her...

Thinking of the text message on her mobile phone just now, Bai Chenya's eyes dimmed.

It seems that he can only speed up...

Bai Chenya took over the task and quickly left the investment department.

"What do you look at? Do your job well, don't think that Bai Chenya is gone, you can be lazy, you still have a lot of work!" Special Assistant Wang piled a stack of documents in front of Yan Shumo.

"Proofread all the documents before leaving get off work, and make comments. You are not allowed to leave work if you don't finish it!"

"..." Yan Shumo looked at the file in front of her, then glanced at Bai Chenya who had disappeared by the door, and could only do it herself.

While proofreading, he drew the villain cursing the special assistant Wang in his heart.

If he had known that his brother was going to fire someone, he should have him fired the bad guy Wang Special Help.

Finally, when Fang Wei was not there, he actually helped Fang Wei to enslave them...

"Bell!" The reminder of the lunch break rang.

Yan Shumo's body lying on the table sat upright in a second.

After catching a glimpse of Wang Tezhu going out to eat, he surreptitiously picked up his carry-on bag and followed out of the investment department.

The elder brother said that she invited her to a big meal at noon, and she could just have a big meal to make up for the hurt heart that she had to work overtime today.

Yan Shumo even thought about what to eat first and what to eat later...

But before she walked to the parking lot agreed with Yan Shuhan, she ran into Bai Chenya who had returned from outside.

"Your work is finished?" Yan Shumo was taken aback, and then asked him curiously.

She processed the papers all morning and realized how hard it was, so she missed the days when Bai Chenya went to work with her.

Without him, she can't finish her work...

But what she is more anxious now is that the time agreed with her brother is approaching, how can she avoid Bai Chenya and secretly meet with her brother.

"No." Bai Chenya opened his lips indifferently, only two simple words.

He didn't finish his work, he came back deliberately.

"Then you should be busy, I'm going to eat..." Yan Shumo waved at him, and was about to catch the chance and ran away.

As soon as she took a step, the collar was caught, Bai Chenya lifted her up, and walked towards the staff canteen.