I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1573: I am her brother! (16)

She bit her lip, looked down at the empty suitcase in front of her, and smiled suddenly.

fair enough.

She doesn't need to take anything, as long as she leaves here is enough...

Yu Xinxing's gaze fell on the group photo of the two on the bedside, her palms were tight, she stepped forward, picked up the photo frame, and turned around to leave.

If there is anything here that she wants to take away, then there should be only this photo that can prove her existence...

"Bang—" Yu Xinxing just opened the door and hit the man's strong chest head on.

Shang Lingsi didn't know when he stood outside the door, his cold evil eyes swept across the bedroom of the two of them, his eyes fell on the suitcase left in front of the closet, and immediately he caught a glimpse of the photo frame in her hand.

His pupil tightened.

She reached out and grabbed the photo frame she was holding in her arms.

"Shang Lingsi, what are you doing, you return my photo!" When Yu Xinxing saw that the photo had been robbed, she immediately wanted to get it back.

"Yours? Yu Xinxing, there is me in this photo. Why do you say it's yours?" Shang Lingsi raised the frame, watching Yu Xinxing standing on tiptoes and unable to reach, condescendingly staring at her.

Since she doesn't need anything, even he can lose it, so what does she care about a photo?

Shang Lingsi's face was gloomy, and there was an abandoned anger in his eyes.

The tone became sarcasm.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xinxing's eyes became dim.

It's just a photo. Does he have to grab it from her?

Yu Xinxing looked at him steadily, with grievances in his eyes.

Eighteen years, it has been so long since she first met him...

In her heart, he has always been the unbelievable and energetic look.

But she has been tortured for these eighteen years as if there was only one body left...

What she wanted, never got...

"Since you want it, just give it to you, I don't want anything." Yu Xinxing opened her lips exhausted and said, her whole body seemed to be drained of blood and blood. He passed his tall body and was about to leave.

In the next second, Shang Lingsi turned around and carried her up.

"Shang Lingsi, you let me down...Ah!" Yu Xinxing just said, she was thrown onto the bed. Shang Lingsi didn't give her a chance to refuse, so she locked the door and locked her Locked in his arms.

"Go? Where do you want to go? You are not allowed to go anywhere except me!" Shang Lingsi lowered her head and blocked her lips, tore her clothes apart, and began to attack the city.

Yu Xinxing is not his opponent at all, even if he struggles desperately, there is only one end in the end...

"Shang Lingsi, I hate you...I hate you..."

When Shang Lingsi was satisfied, Yu Xinxing in his arms had fallen asleep tiredly.

He slowly lay down beside her, reaching out to hug her traced body into his arms.

Hearing her uncomfortable babble, her eyes flickered, and she cleaned up the traces of her hand before letting her fall asleep on his chest again.

The night gradually deepened.

Shang Lingsi had not been drowsy, and reached out and drew a cigarette from the bedside to light it.

A faint green smoke hovered around his carved face, blurring his facial features, only to feel more and more enchanted...

In his ear, what she once asked him kept echoing.

"Shang Lingsi, shall we have a child?"


They have never...

As if caught in a memory, Shang Lingsi's expression gradually solidified, and his fingers were so hot that he suddenly recovered.

Twist the cigarette butts in the ashtray.

It is a person who is a dog watching by himself, a person who does human affairs and speaks human things, a dog always speaks human words and does dog things, and a dog can never change