I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1614: The unprepared truth (9) [plus more]

"I almost bullied you yesterday." Bai Chen spoke abruptly, staring at her with deep black eyes.

He was telling the truth, if he couldn't hold it for a moment yesterday, he would ask her.

Of course, based on her physical condition, maybe because she was late to the hospital, she died...

"You don't count!" Just after Yan Shumo yelled, she realized that there seemed to be something wrong with her words. Just as she was about to explain, Bai Chenya had already approached her and confined her petite body in her arms.

Exhale like charm.

"It just doesn't count if you hug you, what should you do? Will you eat and wipe you out? Huh!" The last word, Bai Chenya picked up the high note, especially charming.

"I didn't mean that... I just... It's just..." His warm breath was sprayed on her face, full of predatory scent, Yan Shumo's mind couldn't move.

Thinking of something, he said suddenly.

"When I came in just now, what were you doing? Special Assistant Wang assigned you a difficult task again and asked you to find the information yourself, right? I'll help you!"

When Yan Shumo was about to get up from the chair, Bai Chenya's eyes tightened, she reached out and grabbed her shoulders, and pressed her down again.

"No, I can handle it, you just sit still and don't move."

"..." Yan Shumo saw him walking towards Fang Wei's desk, resting his cheeks in his hands, and staring at him blankly.

In my mind, what he just said kept flashing...

Qiao Lian became flushed unconsciously.

Realizing what she was thinking, she raised her hand and patted her face vigorously.

But after two shots, she stopped again.

There is a trace of confusion in the beautiful big eyes...

She seems to like Bai Chenya.

Yan Shu Mohao raised his head and looked at the man standing in front of Fang Wei's desk with shock on his small face.

Does she want to tell him?

What if he refuses her?

But my mother said that if you like it, you must strive for it, and you are not afraid of stalking...

so tangled……

Yan Shumo pouted her mouth, facing her fingers, hesitating to tell Bai Chenya, she seemed to like him.

In the same office.

Standing in front of the computer, Bai Chen Yaqi's long figure was operating the mouse very quickly. He glanced roughly at the files in Fang Wei’s computer and found several project files signed by Yan Shuhan himself. Then he chose to copy and upload them to Own mailbox.

He faced Yan Shumo the whole time, but blocked the mouse with the folder in his hand.

From Yan Shumo's point of view, it seems that he is just looking at the file in hand...

When he finished copying the files, turned off the computer, and raised his head, he realized that Yan Shumo hadn't looked at him from start to finish, but lowered his head, as if thinking about something. The tangled little brows were frowned tightly together.

Seeing him walking by, Yan Shu Mo stood up abruptly, holding his skirt nervously with his hands hanging beside him.

"Baichenya, I have a very important thing to tell you."


"I like..." Before Yan Shumo's confession could be said, the mobile phone in the bag rang.

She took out her phone, cleaned Zitong, and immediately became happy.

Answer the phone.


Bai Chenya could not hear what was said on the other end of the phone, only heard Yan Shumo yelling happily. The next second, her expression changed, she hung up the phone, and ran out anxiously.