I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1652: The dual identity of Bai Chenya! (15)

Yudu did not expect at all that Bai Chenya would be able to treat a limited edition sports car as a bumper car.

If he admits it, he will pay Bai Chenya a large sum of money for nothing.

No, Bai Chenya is going to spend time with him...

And they stay here forever, which is equivalent to giving him and Yan Shumo an excellent time to get along.

Yudu thought about the consequences of the matter once, and his face suddenly became more ugly.

"Bai Chenya, come to me if you have anything to do, don't embarrass you." Yan Shumo unlocked the seat belt and got out of the car, staring at the arrogant Bai Chenya.

I want to go up and bite him.

The story about his use of her hasn't been turned over yet, is he anxious to come over to show off his might?

It is not enough to bully her, but to bully her brother's friends is simply bullying too much!

"He is important to you?" Bai Chenya heard her protecting Yudu, the smile on the corner of her mouth stiffened, and immediately, pretending to be nothing, looked at her.

"Anyway, it's more important than you, a bad guy who can only lie to me." Yan Shumo said without thinking.


Bai Chenya was choked.

In her heart, he is a bad guy, only Yudu is a good person.

Since he is already a bad person, he can still be a little worse.

"It's not impossible if you want to solve it privately, just follow me." Bai Chenya raised an eyebrow and looked straight at her.

I want to seize the opportunity and explain clearly to her, but I don't want to see that she really promised him for Yudu...

He never felt so contradictory...

"Momo, I can handle this matter, you don't need to agree to his terms." Yudu pushed the door and got out of the car, walked to Bai Chenya, took out a check from his pocket, and wrote a series of numbers. , Hand it to Bai Chenya.

"You don't need to wait for the insurance company. I will be responsible for all maintenance costs of your car. What else can you say?"

"Yudu..." Yan Shumo was shocked when she saw the number on the check.

Only then discovered that the sports car Bai Chenya parked on the side of the road was the one he drove to the hotel to pick her up last time!

She thought he was rented...

He actually used such an expensive car as a bumper car?

Is he crazy?

"Do you have to accept your compensation? What if you turn your face and deny it and sue me for blackmail? You are a lawyer, and I can't afford it." Bai Chenya's eyes flashed and walked to Yan Shumo.

"I'm still willing to wait for someone to deal with it with you. We will solve it through formal channels."

"Bai Chenya, you..." Yudu's good cultivation will be exhausted.

Bai Chenya deliberately came to respond to him today, and bad his good deeds!

"Yan Shumo, have you seen it? The so-called gentleman is just pretending to be angry and can see all ugliness. At least I have no reservations in front of you."

"... Lie to me without reservation?" Yan Shumo snorted coldly, not buying it.

The next second, Bai Chenya grabbed her hand and pressed it on his chest.

"What you said, at least when you had to strip my clothes naked, what you saw was the real thing, how can it be a lie..."

Yan Shumo: "..."! ! !

Yan Shumo looked at Yudu who was stunned, wishing to dig a hole to bury herself in it.

No, she should stop Bai Chenya's mouth first!

But before she had time to do it, she heard Bai Chenya's voice fluttering.

"Momo, I haven't been seen by anyone since I was little. You are the first one. You are responsible to me..."