I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1682: Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger (4)

"Are you talking about you?" Yan Shumo's beautiful big eyes blinked, tilting his head to look at him.

He just bullied her...

Bai Chenya: "..."! !

How can he be considered a bad intention?

His intentions were very correct, but he wanted to wipe her out.

If she can be like other girls, crying and holding him accountable, they will get married in a natural way...

Yan Shumo watched the phone screen go dark, but did not answer the call.

She hasn't forgotten that Yudu is her brother's friend. If she lets him know that she is not in S city, her brother will definitely know.

At that time, if she was discovered that she followed Bai Chenya to see her parents, she would be over...

To be on the safe side, she still shouldn't answer the phone call.

But her reaction, in Bai Chenya's eyes, turned into that she was really worried that he would hear the words of love with Yudu, so she didn't even answer Yudu's phone calls.

Bai Chenya's face turned gloomy in an instant.

Black eyes stared at her without turning, just like staring at his cheating girlfriend...

"What are you looking at me doing like this? I'm sleepy. If you don't sleep, I'll go to sleep first." Yan Shumo put the phone away and lay back in the bed.

The ambiguous atmosphere just now was interrupted by a phone call and disappeared, but the air in the room began to be filled with a depressed breath.

Bai Chenya looked at her figure lying obediently under the covers, and his eyes became more and more resentful.

He decided to continue with what he didn't finish just now, and eat her into his stomach early, rest assured...

As soon as Bai Chen's sub-tall body approached, Yan Shumo sat up again, panic in his crystal clear eyes.

"I sneaked out today, and there is an entrance guard at 9 o'clock in the evening. In case my dad finds that I am not at home..." Yan Shumo just remembered this, and before she thought about how to explain it, she heard her phone ring. It rang again.

What are you afraid of!

Yan Shumo looked at the word "Daddy" flashing on the screen of the phone. She was so frightened that she went straight back into the bed and refused to answer the phone.

"Momo, I'm here, don't be afraid." Bai Chenya saw her scared white face, and reached out to fish the person into his arms.

Long fingers passed through her long hair, curled her soft hair around her fingers, and rubbed her little head fondly.

"What do you know, it's scary if you are there. If my father knew that I was sneaking away, just to come back to see your mother with you, he would definitely break your leg!"


"If you know that you not only lied to me to go home, but also lied to me to bed, you would be dead! The kind that died!" Yan Shumo said, squeezing his mobile phone into Bai Chenya's hand .

"Here, you didn't mean you were there, so let's pick it up for you."

Bai Chenya: "..."! !

He has no time to do anything, so he should offend the future father-in-law?

"Buzzing—" One call didn't answer, and the second call came.

Bai Chenya was holding the phone like a hot potato.

It's not to answer, it's not to not answer.

Is it possible for him to pick up and say to Yan Chengchi, I like your daughter and saw that she is innocent and kind, so I abducted the person back to my home?

But if he wants to pursue Momo, at least he should meet her parents first before bringing her home...

No matter how bad it is, it is still waiting for him to trick people into making her his righteous girlfriend.

"Ah! I figured out a way!"