I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1788: Was discovered (16)

Even Yang Shuchen himself didn't expect that when he went to Shang's villa, he was only going to see Shang Lingsi, by the way.

But when Yu Xinxing saw him, he knelt without saying a word.

Begged him to send her away from the Shang family villa.

His first reaction was to refuse, even if Yu Xinxing treated him well, Shang Lingsi really loved him.

It's like the palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are full of flesh, so he is not right to help anyone.

But Yu Xinxing told him that she was pregnant...

The younger brother and younger sister he hadn't waited for back then now have them again.

Yang Shuchen saw Shang Lingsi carrying Yu Xinxing into the hospital for surgery, and naturally knew that the child back then was definitely not wanted by Shang Lingsi.

He couldn't do the same thing by watching it happen again.

"I did this not only for Yu Xinxing, but also for Uncle Shang. If I reject Yu Xinxing and Momo, have you thought about what might happen next?"

Yang Shuchen's thin lips opened slightly and his tone was heavy.

A woman who is pregnant but lives in panic and panic all day long.

In order to keep her child, she will try her best to conceal and leave Shang Lingsi.

What about Shang Lingsi?

Does he really love Yu Xinxing?

Does he know he loves this woman?

Yang Shuchen didn't understand when he was a child, but he is now an adult. At least he can feel that what happened back then was due to other reasons.

Since there may be a misunderstanding between the two people, they should be given a chance to explain clearly.

And what he is doing now is not to break or stand.

"But if you do this, you will burn yourself if you are not careful!" Yan Shumo still disagreed.

Yu Xinxing is pregnant and her whereabouts are unknown. In case something happens to her or the baby in her stomach, the culprit capital will become Yang Shuchen!

She was not worried that Shang Lingsi would really kill Yang Shuchen, but worried that if Yu Xinxing really had an accident, she would kill Shang Lingsi himself...

"I agree with San'er's approach." Bai Chenya, who had been silent for a long time, opened her lips suddenly.

The magnetic voice is impartial, and it is a matter of fact.

"But the most important thing is to find Yu Xinxing's whereabouts first, and ensure the safety of her and the children in her stomach, so that we can have a chance to solve the misunderstanding between them. You helped her escape. Do you know where she is now?"

Bai Chenya raised her eyebrows and looked at Yang Shuchen.

With Yang Shuchen's temperament, he wouldn't be able to shoot himself in the foot. He must have left behind.

"I can take you to see her, but if you want to secretly, I don't want to fall short at the critical moment." Yan Shuchen put down the teacup and stood up.


Shang Family Villa.

Sitting in the monitoring room, Shang Lingsi watched the same scene countless times.

The long fingers kept tapping on the table, making a thumping sound, like a death knell from hell.

In his cold eyes, no mood swings could be seen...

Next to him, a whole row of computer experts are investigating all surveillance videos.

He didn't believe that Yu Xinxing could avoid all surveillance from the room to the backyard.

There must be something wrong...

"Mr. Shang, I found it. There are signs of obscuration in the monitoring screen during this time!" Someone shouted happily, holding the laptop, and rushed to Shang Lingsi.

Click on the surveillance video!