I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1814: Strike first to be strong (10)

"Knock!" The door rang.

"Mr. Bai, Mrs. Bai, the inspection report of this lady has come out." The head of the medical team of the Bai family took the inspection report and walked into the guest room.

"Miss Yu, you have to take a good rest first. Whether you want to leave or stay, you must first raise your own body. We won't bother you to rest."

Madam Bai opened her lips softly.

Signal the doctor to go outside and talk.

"How is my physical condition, can you let me know?" When Yu Xinxing heard that they were going to avoid themselves, he grabbed Madam Bai anxiously.

She has only one person now, and the child in her belly is her life.

She finally escaped from S City and escaped from Shang Lingsi's sphere of influence.

If at this time, her child had a little problem, she would not be able to bear it.

She wants to hear the doctor say...

"This..." Madam Bai hesitated.

Under normal circumstances, doctors will consider avoiding pregnant women when talking about their illness, so as not to cause too much psychological burden on pregnant women.

But they are not Yu Xinxing's family members, and they are not qualified to prevent her from knowing her situation.

"Just say it here." Madam Bai hesitated and looked at the doctor again.

"Yes, ma'am." The doctor stepped forward, first glanced at Yu Xinxing, and then slowly opened his lips.

"The fetus is less than three months old and there is bleeding. Now there are only two options, either to protect the baby or give up..."

"I want to have a baby! No matter what, I will keep this child!" Yu Xinxing spoke anxiously before the doctor was finished, interrupting the doctor.

She didn't want to hear anyone and persuade her to give up her child.

From the moment she left the Shang family villa and found that Shang Lingsi began to let people trace her whereabouts, she vaguely felt uncomfortable.

Until she fled back from the market that day, she didn't know why, as long as she closed her eyes, some very strange scenes appeared in front of her.

Some familiar and unfamiliar scenes constantly appeared in her mind.

And Shang Lingsi...

He was always in her ear, persuading her to give up the child again and again.

She didn't know if she was too frightened to have hallucinations, but that kind of scene that seemed like a real thing made her feel at ease without a minute.

She was afraid of being discovered by Shang Lingsi.

I was afraid that he would really be like in a dream, disregarding her prayers and insisting on removing her child.

She couldn't even wait. As soon as she heard that Shang Lingsi had left S City with someone, she bought a plane ticket anxiously and wanted to escape.

She was going to flee far, to a place he could never find again.

As long as Shang Lingsi can't find her, her child will not be in danger...

But why, she managed to escape, but they still told her that her child might not be kept?

"Ms. Yu, calm down. You just woke up. At this time, your emotions are too emotional and it will affect you and your baby." Madam Bai recovered and quickly motioned to the doctor not to talk too much, and turned around to calm Yu Xinxing.

"If Miss Yu wants to keep her child, she must learn to relax. The Bai family has the best medical equipment and doctors in City Z. Don't worry, your child will be fine."

"Really?" Yu Xinxing looked at Madam Bai with red eyes.

Obviously she was just a stranger, but her words showed the power of inexplicable comfort.

"thank you."

"You're welcome, your complexion is not very good, I ordered the kitchen to cook the soup, you sleep first, the soup is ready, I will come and call you."