I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1819: Strike first is strong (15)

Bai Chenya turned off the light, and only the pre-lighted candles were left on the table.

He didn't know when he bought the roses, put them in a vase, and placed them close to Yan Shumo.

It looked like it was specially given to her.

"You can't drink, just smell the wine." Bai Chenya stepped forward and put a glass of red wine in front of her. The gentleman opened the chair for her, held her hand, and let her sit down.

He just took another glass of wine and walked to sit down opposite her.

Obviously at home, but the romantic atmosphere he created is like in a western restaurant.

The steak on the table was the steak he had just cooked, or the heart-shaped steak...

Yan Shumo's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Like a chest, a lot of pink bubbles popped out in an instant.

When I'm nervous, I can't help but want to drink.

Reaching out to pick up the red wine, he took two sips.

When I recovered, it was too late...

When she put down the wine glass, Yan Shumo felt a little bit floating.

Looking at the steak that Bai Chenya had cut before putting it in front of her, he drooled greedily. He drew it up with a fork and delivered it to his mouth.

But as she ate, her face became more and more red, as if she was wearing blush.

"Bai Chenya, I seem to be drunk..." Yan Shumo ate the steak before leaning on the table and muttering.

In the next second, Bai Chenya had already stepped forward, hugged her a princess, and walked toward her room.

Gently put her on the bed, lowered her head and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

Just as he was about to twist the hot towel and wipe her face, Yan Shumo reached out and hooked his neck, pouting unhappy.

"You can't always kiss me, I also want to kiss me back, or it will be too costly!"

After she finished her bold words, she pouted and kissed his thin lips.

It is better to say that it is a pro, it is a knock!

Bai Chenya's lips were knocked to bleed by her.

Looking at the random kisser, she put her long fingers on her chin.

Blocked her lips accurately and mastered the initiative...

Before she had time to react, she wiped out people little by little...


Yan Family Manor.

The atmosphere in the living room is solemn.

The butler hurriedly walked in from outside and walked to Xia Changyue.

"Madam, Mr. Shang has been waiting outside for two hours, is it really not let him in?" the butler asked with a confused look.

Now in the entire Yan family, no one knew that Shang Lingsi had lost his beloved woman and was looking for someone all over the world.

It was a miracle to be able to wait two hours outside the Yan's Manor.

"What about seeing it? If you don't see it, he will always wait outside. Even if he is dead, someone will see him and he can collect his body." Xia Changyue held a notebook in his hand and was reading it carefully.

Hearing the housekeeper's words, he spoke lightly.

In the tone, no anger was heard, but there was concern.

She originally saw Shang Lingsi taking the flower tea from her, and she was happy for him, thinking that he was finally going to settle down.

Who knows, in the blink of an eye, people are lost.

Now I know I am worried, what did I do earlier?

Tell Yu Xinxing earlier that if he loves her so much, no one will leave.

"Madam, Mr. Ke Shang now..."

"Forget it, go and let him in, anyway, you still have to let him know, I can't keep it from him for long." Xia Changyue closed the notebook and put the notebook on the coffee table before instructing the housekeeper.