I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1923: Afterwards! (1)

Bai Chenya said that what he likes is only her, not the identity of Miss Yan's family.

It was Luo Jixin who thought that by virtue of his identity, he could get the love of a man.

She is not only superficial, but also extremely stupid!

"Ro Jixin, if you let me go now, I don't care about today's affairs, but if you don't understand it, you will definitely regret it."

Yan Shumo's hand on his side grabbed the hem of his skirt.

Luo Jixin moved the idea of ​​wanting to get rid of her because she felt that her status was humble, even if she disappeared, no one would care.

But now that she knows that she is Miss Yan's family, she may not be safe.

Offending a Bai family has already made it difficult for the Luo family. If you offend the Yan family again, the Luo family will really have nowhere to survive. If Luo Jixin is heartbroken, he will probably want to get rid of her. In this way, no one knows...

"Bai Chenya already knows that I was taken away, and he is following right now. If something happens to me, do you think you can get rid of it?"

Yan Shumo looked at Luo Jixin, who had been silent, and spoke suddenly.

"Why are you Miss Yan's family...you will lie to me..." Luo Jixin kept lowering his head and muttering to himself.

It's like being caught in a devil.

In the next second, he slowly raised his head and looked at Yan Shumo, with an unbelievable madness in his eyes.

Seeing Yan Shumo's heart stunned!

"what do you want to do……"


Bai Chenya drove the car, chasing the van in front.

The handsome face was unusually pale, his hands holding the steering wheel, as if to crush the steering wheel, the back of his hands was full of blue veins.

Gritting his teeth, staring firmly at the car in front.

I dare not be distracted for a second...

He chased Yan Shumo out too anxiously, he didn't expect to get his mobile phone.

Seeing her injured figure running away, I just want to catch up with her and explain clearly to her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he saw her, she was taken away in front of him!

Bai Chenya punched the steering wheel in annoyance.

He hadn't noticed that she had come, if he had seen her earlier, he wouldn't let her run away alone.

The other party seems to have noticed that someone is following them, has speeded up, and is constantly turning, trying to get rid of him...

Bai Chenya's face became paler and paler, and his whole body was full of hostility.

In my mind, scenes of familiar scenes flashed through...

"Are you hungry?" A little girl who was jade carved suddenly ran to him from the kindergarten and handed him ten dollars. "Here, you can take this and buy food."

"I am not a beggar."

He just finished explaining and stood up to leave when he saw two men in black running towards her.

He remembered that there was also such a van at the time, and it stopped in front of him, trying to catch the little girl, but in the end he was also taken away...

Not a dream.

It is a very real experience.

They were locked up in a dark dilapidated house.

It was like an abandoned factory, a place completely unknown to him.

The princess dress on the girl's body was dirty, and her small face was spent, and she shrank in a corner pitifully like a tabby cat.

"Cry out if you want to cry, don't hold back." He glanced at her and knew she was scared.

Yes, no one has been kidnapped since he was born.