I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 1979: Retirement (9)

The Yan family has only two sons, and Yang Shuchen is a few months younger than Yi Xiaoling, and can only be regarded as a younger brother.

Then there is only one elder brother in her mouth...

Hearing Yi Xiaoling actually introduced Yan Shuhan as her brother, and the people in the private room, his face changed.

Looking at Yan Shuhan's eyes just now, they all looked at Yi Xiaoling.

I don't understand what she means...

How could it be that the man who grew up shouting "little husband" was just a brother?

And her boyfriend...

The Yi family's tutoring is so strict, even if Yi Xiaoling is naturally rebellious, Yi Haiyin would never agree to it. She just went to the country as a diplomatic boyfriend casually, and even took it home without saying a word.

This news is simply too shocking!

The people in the private room looked at each other, and no one dared to speak, but silently looked at the scene in front of them, the weird to the extreme.

They all wondered in their hearts whether Yan Shuhan's character would go straight up and beat that Odder Witt...

But after waiting for a long time, Yan Shuhan just stood upright, without a trace of anger or even the slightest expression on his face.

He stood there, like a natural monarch, with an indifferent look that made the atmosphere in the private room freeze into ice.

His gaze glanced over Odd Witley.

It seemed to look at it, but just a faint glance, and then curled up his eyes, as if not seeing at all, turned around and sat back on the sofa in the private room.

The slender legs overlapped lazily.

that's it?

Is he not angry?

Don't plan to beat Yi Xiaoling's boyfriend who suddenly appeared?

He just sat back in his position and said nothing.

What should they do?

This is the idea that pops out of everyone's mind in the private room at the same time.

But Yan Shuhan was not angry. If they were angry, it would look strange.

So everyone greeted Odd Witley politely and continued singing.

"Xiao Ling, you just came back, come, click and sing." Someone said.

The atmosphere is too embarrassing and everyone is trying hard to get active.

Hearing this, Yi Xiaoling instinctively wanted to refuse, but he thought of something, reached out his hand to take the microphone, and handed it to Odder Vitli next to her.

"I can't sing, but my boyfriend sings very well. Let him sing for me."

"It's boring to sing alone. I click on a song and we will sing together." Odd Witley's gaze passed over Yan Shuhan, his gaze became provocative.

Soon, I clicked a love song due to singing.

Everyone's expressions changed when they saw the song he ordered.

That song was once exclusive to Yan Shuhan and Yi Xiaoling...

Nowadays, he has changed to another man, singing to Yi Xiaoling.

When the music sounded, they all saw Yan Shuhan's expression and it became even colder.

But he was still sitting without any movement, as if he couldn't see the two people singing love songs in front of him...

If the chill on his body is not so severe, he will appear even more indifferent.

"I haven't seen you in a year, Xiao Ling sings better and better, and so does your boyfriend. How did you meet?" someone asked gossiping.

The voice fell, Yan Shuhan, who had not moved just now, suddenly stood up.

He was with him in the private room, and immediately became very quiet.

It's the kind of silence that reveals dead silence.

Looking at him, step by step towards Yi Xiaoling standing in front of the song station...