I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2012: Belly Black Hanhan is online (1)

Yan Chengchi paused, then looked back at him, a touch of complexity passed in his eyes.

For a long time, they just stood and did not answer Shang Lingsi's question.

he does not know.

They are all aware of Yu Xinxing's situation. In all fairness, he cannot be as courageous as Shang Lingsi and willing to gamble.

But Yu Xinxing had already suffered so much, and now she said to give up. Whether it was Shang Lingsi or Yu Xinxing, it would be a lifetime regret.

Throughout a person's life, he is always pursuing what he has lost or cannot get.

Not many people can clearly cherish the present.

He gave Shang Lingsi an opinion, because they are the same kind of people, if he is allowed to choose, there is only one answer.

He only wants Xia Changyue...

"You asked me not because you really don't know what to do, you just want me to say what you don't want to say."

Yan Chengchi opened his lips slowly.

When the words fell, he stepped away without giving Shang Lingsi time to speak.

Shang Lingsi stood in place, his whole person, as if turned into a sculpture, did not respond after a long time.


In the Yan family manor.

Yi Xiaoling didn't know how long he had slept, only felt that his brain was groggy, and he slept comfortably.

She was satisfied with a small mouth, turned over, and just when she was about to sit up, she felt cold on her body and was taken aback.

In the next second, I found out that her clothes were taken off without knowing what.

The body was cold, except for a sling.

When she turned over, the movements were too great, the sling fell off her shoulders, revealing a piece of white skin, and the abundance on her chest became looming...

Yi Xiaoling's body froze suddenly.

Soon, she noticed that the place she was in was not her room at all.


The memories before falling asleep return to my mind.

Yi Xiaoling's face was pale, anxiously looking for her own clothes, ready to wear them.

But before she could find the clothes, she found a scorching stare staying on her.

She subconsciously raised her head and looked towards the balcony...

Yan Shuhan was sitting on the tatami on the balcony, his long figure leaning against the tatami, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, shaking gracefully.

The goblet leaned to his lips and took a sip.

The act of swallowing made his **** Adam's apple roll up and down for a moment, indescribably seductive.

Yi Xiaoling looked a little fascinated...

In the next second, I saw him turning his head and looking at her.

With deep black eyes, she looked straight at her chest, her eyes dimmed slightly.

Yi Xiaoling followed his gaze somewhat dumbly, and lowered his head to look at his chest.

"Ah--" She screamed abruptly, and anxiously grabbed the pillow and blocked it in front of her chest.

"Well, I just fell asleep..." Yi Xiaoling wanted to explain something, but his words were average, with beautiful eyes, suddenly looked at Yan Shuhan.

"You took off my clothes?"

She remembered.

She fell asleep in his car, only he would hug her and get out of the car.

Now in the room, there are only two of them, and it must be him who undressed her!

"No." Yan Shuhan's thin lips opened slightly, and he spit out two words coldly.

The slender legs were put down on the tatami, stood up, and walked toward Yi Xiaoling on the bed.

Stopping in front of her, long fingers provoked her chin, exhaling like charm.

"You know me. If I take it off, I will take it off for you."