I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2067: Little Sweet (9)

in school.

Mentor's office.

"Yi Xiaoling, do you know why the teacher asked you to come?" the class leader asked seriously, sitting at his desk.

"You just reported to the school yesterday, and you came later than the other classmates. It's not good to stay in the dormitory to study, and you ran outside, staying out all night, and urging your roommate to conceal it for you..."

Yi Xiaoling stood at the desk, with his little head drooped, obediently being trained.

She didn't know, she just went home, got a pillow, and was unlucky enough to be caught.

Seeing the teacher's angry look, she didn't dare to interrupt at all.

She waited until the instructor stopped before she explained.

"I just forgot to take something and went home."

"What is so important that you have to take it home at night? Can't you wait and go back after class the next day? Even if it's urgent, you can't leave school without saying a word and call the teacher. Take a leave, it’s always okay..."

"..." Yi Xiaoling has an offensive personality, but never talks back to the teacher.

She stood there, bowed her head, listening to the training.

Hearing what the teacher said to trick his roommates to deceive, the whole person was shocked.

"Teacher, what did you just say?"

"Why, do you still want to admit it? People in the student union have already told me that not only did you not return home at night, you also hacked through the people in your dormitory, sheltering you collectively, and wanting to pass the customs. Your behavior directly affected you. The whole atmosphere of the girls’ dormitory must be dealt with seriously!"

The tutor sank his face, thinking of the report from the student union, and was a little angry.

"..." She didn't try to cover her roommates at all, it should be just that everyone kindly helped her to hide a few words.

If such a conviction is really to be done, not only will she be punished, it will also affect several people in the same dormitory.

"We didn't get through. This incident is my fault and has nothing to do with other people. They just know that I am going home and worry that I will be remembered, so they kindly conceal it for me."

Yi Xiaoling's face turned pale, anxiously explained.

Her affairs alone cannot cause others to be punished together.

"Now it's not what you said. People in the student union have already sent a written report. Did you know that you didn't just violate the school regulations last night as simple as staying overnight?"

The instructor took the report from his desk and threw it in front of Yi Xiaoling.

"Blocked the inspection, covered lies, and even refused to admit it after being dismantled! I heard that there are people who are planning to do something with the student union and not let them register..."

"..." Yi Xiaoling looked at the report in front of him, his eyes full of consternation.

Although she didn't have much contact with the people in their dormitory, she knew that they were not like that.

The experience recorded in this report literally made them bad students!

"Teacher, there must be a misunderstanding about what is written on this, and the people in our dormitory will not..."

"Enough! You can't protect yourself, do you still want to intercede for others? I tell you, you leave school without permission, the worst nature, to punish, the first one will punish you! Call now and inform your parents Come here, I want to verify if you really went home last night, and I will discuss it separately and educate your criticism."

The instructor said with a dark face.

Yi Xiaoling was stunned when he heard that he wanted to call his parents.

"I am her parent. If you have any questions, the teacher can tell me." Yan Shuhan's figure appeared at the door like a god.