I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2124: Investigate her past! (20)

"Mr. Shang." Seeing Shang Lingsi appearing, the medical staff in the operating room all leaned over and walked out.

In the operating room, it became quiet.

Shang Lingsi raised his head and looked at Yu Xinxing who was lying on the operating table, his palms tightened, and he fisted suddenly.

Every step forward seemed extremely heavy.

Seeing her eyes closed, her face pale and lying on the operating table, his hand outstretched towards her trembled slightly.

"I am sorry……"

As soon as Shang Lingsi opened his lips, he saw Yu Xinxingao who was supposed to be in a coma and opened his eyes.

Seeing him, he reached out and put his arms around his neck.

"..." Shang Lingsi's body stiffened, and for a moment, nothing was left in his mind.

She had just finished the operation, and the anesthetic has not passed. Shouldn't she have to sleep again?

How can I wake up so fast...

Shang Lingsi raised his eyebrows, looked suspiciously at the person in his arms, his eyes fell on her stomach, and saw the still slightly bulging arc, the body became more stiff.

Is he dizzy?

The baby in her belly, still there?

Impossible, the operation started so long...

"I didn't inject anesthetics. As soon as I entered the operating room, I told the attending physician that I would not have an operation." Yu Xinxing saw his doubts, opened his lips softly, took his hand, and placed it on his stomach.

"Shang Lingsi, the baby is still there."

"..." Shang Lingsi's palm was numb, and a silent throbbing passed from palm to chest.

He suddenly hugged Yu Xinxing tightly and buried his face in her soft long hair.

"Yu Xinxing, we won't have an operation anymore. I will never force you to remove the child again. You promise me that you will do well anyway. If you dare to have an accident, I must die in front of you. Did you hear that!"

"..." Yu Xinxing's eyes flushed, and he hugged him tightly with both hands.

She choked and couldn't speak, but nodded desperately.

The door of the operating room.

Yang Shuchen's handsome and upright figure leaned evilly on the door frame, raised his eyebrows and looked at the two people holding each other, his mouth raised slightly.

After all, he was saved, and it didn't cost him to run to the hospital early in the morning.

As long as Shang Lingsi's child was born, he would never be the youngest of the three children.

He will finally have a little brother or little sister...

A glutinous rice dumpling made of powdered jade, just thinking about it, he thinks life will become more interesting!

Yu Xinxing in the operating room seemed to feel something, turned to look at him, and smiled gratefully at Yang Shuchen's gaze.

Yang Shuchen just shook his head gently, then turned and left.

Just like Shang Lingsi asked him, if Yu Xinxing really had an accident because of this child in the future, would he regret it?

He actually didn't know.

He only knows that people must work hard to the last moment, and when the result comes, whether it is good or bad, can he truly not regret it.

He never looks forward or backward, only living in the present.

Live himself freely.

Yang Shuchen turned and walked towards the elevator. Before entering the elevator, he called Yan Shuhan first.


In the apartment.

Yan Shuhan was wearing a nightgown, sitting on the tatami on the balcony, with slender legs, lazily overlapping, holding a mobile phone in one hand and listening to the person on the other side of the phone.

After a while, his lips were opened faintly, "I know, I'll be over in a while."

After hanging up the phone, he put the phone on the coffee table casually.

He got up from the tatami mat when he closed his legs.