I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2145: Conspiracy of Love (12)

Yan Shuhan groaned as if he had suddenly dreamed of something.

His face was white and his thin lips closed together.

Because of fever, his pale complexion soon became red again.

The cold and hot body temperature made him look as if he was stunned.

Yi Xiaoling quickly noticed something was wrong and wanted to go out and shout for someone, but Yan Shuhan held her hard and didn't let go, she couldn't get rid of his shackles at all.

"Brother Han, when you wake up, you are just dreaming, and I am by your side." Yi Xiaoling tried to call him.

"Little daughter-in-law...my little daughter-in-law..."

"I am here, I am here, you can see me when you open your eyes!" Yi Xiaoling's tone became anxious.

"You lie to me... You are hiding from me..." Yan Shuhan frowned as if he couldn't hear her at all.

Keep calling her name.

"Don't go, Xiao Ling."

"I will wait for you to come back, I will definitely wait for you to come back."

"When you grow up, we will get married. You are my only bride. I only want you..."

Yan Shuhan seemed to have fallen into a magic barrier, his thin lips moved, and the words he uttered were broken, but every sentence was about her.

Yi Xiaoling was anxious from the beginning, but gradually became astonished.

Finally, the eyes were full of tears, dropping drop by drop.

He looked at Yan Shuhan in disbelief.

Every word of him seemed to hit her heart.

She always thought that she left is best for him, and he deserves a better girl.

She did not expect that in his heart, her leaving was an unhealable pain.

Is a kind of abandonment...

He said that she was the little daughter-in-law he identified, and he only wanted her.

He said that when she grows up, they will get married, and he has even planned the wedding.

He said……

He has been very domineering in front of her.

She never likes to talk sweet words, only she likes to stick to him, she has to stay by his side and not leave.

So in her heart, she always needs him.

And he just meets her needs.

She never knew that in his heart, she was irreplaceable.

"Brother Han, I didn't want you, I don't deserve you..." Yi Xiaoling stretched out his arm around his neck and couldn't help crying.

"I want my daughter-in-law... My daughter-in-law will not leave..." Yan Shuhan twisted his eyebrows, hugged her arm, and pressed her to his chest.

It seemed to hear her, thinking she was leaving.

Yi Xiaoling felt the intense anxiety almost instantly.

She couldn't describe that feeling, but looking at him, a silent throbbing penetrated the limbs.

Almost crazy, he blurted out uncontrollably: "I will not go, I will not go anywhere, I will always be with you, always with you..."

She thought it over, she wanted to work hard for herself once.

Try to believe that they can be together.

"Brother Han, did you hear that? I promised you that I won't go anywhere. I will stay by your side and stay with you. When you wake up, can I tell you something, OK?"


"No, you are still sick. I guess you are not in the mood to listen to my story. When you get better, I will say it again." Yi Xiaoling's eyes were struggling, but his eyes were firm.

She held Yan Shuhan's face in both hands, lowered her head and kissed his forehead.

Gradually, Yan Shuhan's impetuous mood calmed down.