I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2220: The man behind (21)

Knowing that Yan Shuhan was going abroad on business, she didn't even feel unlucky to find Yi Xiaoling.

She hadn't seen Yi Xiaoling for at least a week, and Yan Shuhan found out that she hadn't lied.

"You are very smart, knowing that I will come to you, so I prepared in advance. I haven't appeared in front of Xiaoling for a week, so even if she receives any text messages, it has nothing to do with you, right?"

Yan Shuhan picked up the water glass on the table, took a sip, and glanced at Lin Xin coldly.

Lin Xin panicked immediately.

"I don't understand what you said, what text message? I haven't sent a text message to Yi Xiaoling. You can't just because I had some misunderstandings with Yi Xiaoling. If something happened to her, you will count it on my head. This is not fair to me!"

Lin Xinhao stood up from the chair.

Finding that they were in public now, they held back and sat down again.

Repeatedly emphasized, "I really don’t understand. What are you talking about? Did Yi Xiaoling tell you again? She must be framing me. She doesn’t like me. She is afraid that I will take you away. Frame me..."

"If it really has nothing to do with you, why I didn't say anything at the beginning, you know, I am looking for you, it has something to do with Xiaoling?"

Yan Shuhan turned around and opened his lips suddenly.

"..." Lin Xin froze at once, looking at Yan Shuhan in amazement.

He didn't expect that he had said so much on purpose just to test her.

"I couldn't say very much just now. I kept saying that I was innocent. Why don't I say it now?" Yan Shuhan put the water glass in his hand on the table, his sharp black eyes swept at Lin Xin fiercely.

"No, it's none of my business. I really don't know what you're talking about. I'm just afraid that Yi Xiaoling will frame me again. That's why I said that. I don't know what you're talking about..."

Lin Xin sat on the chair with a pale face, clutching the edge of the table with both hands, her nails were cut off, she didn't notice it.

She looked like she was really scared.

When Yan Shuhan thought of Lin Xin releasing news to reporters, he posted on the Internet that Yi Xiaoling had cuckold him. He wanted to take the opportunity to make the Yan family break with the Yi family. He felt that sending photos to Yi Xiaoling threatened her. Lin Xin It's not impossible to do it.

But one thing, he couldn't figure it out.

He had a blind date with Lin Xin when Yi Xiaoling came back from abroad.

One year ago, when Yi Xiaoling had an accident, he had almost no contact with Lin Xin.

Lin Xin couldn't hurt Yi Xiaoling because of jealousy.

"Where were you at this time a year ago?" Yan Shuhan asked suddenly with a flash of light in his eyes.

"In a foreign country, I was sent abroad by my mother to participate in a training camp for celebrities abroad for three months." Lin Xin answered quickly.

"I remember everything from a year ago so clearly, do I want Miss Qualin to remember it really well?" Yan Shuhan heard her answer, his expression did not ease, but rather cold.

"That training camp was very hard. I didn't want to go. My mother told me that I must have beaten my half-elder sister, who forced me to go. I was there for three months and got off the floor. Pi, I will never forget it in my life."

After Lin Xin finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Yan Shuhan's hand.

"What I said is true. You can ask someone to ask about it at Lin's house, and everyone at the Lin's house knows this."