I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2239: She is willing to speak! (15)

"Xiao Ling, I'm pregnant, what should I do..." Wen Yujia's choked voice came from the phone.

Just a simple sentence made Yi Xiaoling instantly stunned!

What else she said later, Yi Xiaoling couldn't hear her, and the words just echoed in her ears. After a while, she suddenly recovered, hurriedly stuffed her phone into her bag, carried her bag, and went to the villa. Go outside.

"Xiaoling, why are you leaving when you come back? Where are you going?" Yan Ling just cut the fruit from the kitchen and brought it out. Confronting Yi Xiaoling who hurried out, he quickly reached out and stopped him.

"What happened, why is your face so ugly?"

"Mom, it's not my business, it's Yu Jia, I'm going to go there now, and I will explain to you when I come back." Yi Xiaoling reached out and hugged Yan Ling, kissed her on the face, turned and ran out of the door.

Sit in the car in one breath and rush to Wen Yujia's house.

When she arrived, Wen Yujia was the only one left in the house, with a thin body, curled up on the sofa in the living room, holding her knees with her hands, crying silently.

Hearing the footsteps, raising his head and seeing that the person who came was Yi Xiaoling, he burst into tears all of a sudden.

Like a lost child, Wen Yujia rushed into her arms when she met her family, and hugged her firmly with both hands.

Yi Xiaoling's eyes were red, and she gently patted her back, letting her cry.

When her mood stabilized, she pulled her back, sat back on the sofa, and wiped her tears away with a tissue.

"Did you tell Meng Liangfeng about your pregnancy?" Yi Xiaoling looked at her friend who was crying so hard to speak before her, holding her face in distress and asked.

Wen Yujia is her only good friend. The scene of her reconciliation with Meng Liangfeng seems to be still in front of her eyes, but in the blink of an eye...

Yi Xiaoling's heart suddenly became heavy.

"I don't know how to tell him, Xiaoling, if you said this child, could it be that I was caught by someone at the time... I didn't dare to tell him about my pregnancy..." Wen Yujia said, tears stopped. Can't help but fall down.

"Don't think about it, think in a better place, this child must be you and Meng Liangfeng. I remember you told me that after you got married, you have been preparing for pregnancy."

Yi Xiaoling got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen to pour hot water for her, letting Wen Yujia hold her.

"I don't know. Liang Feng and I have never had contraception. Liang Feng is an only child. His parents have always hoped that we can have a child as soon as possible, but I never thought that I would meet a gangster, in case this child is not Liang Feng’s ..."

As soon as Wen Yujia thought of this possibility, as soon as she let go of her hand, the water glass slipped from her palm.

The eyes of the whole person became flustered.

When the accident happened, she was so nervous and scared that she didn't remember to take the after-action medicine.

Now that she suddenly found out she was pregnant, her first reaction was not surprise, but fright. If this child is not her or Meng Liangfeng, her world will really collapse...

"I will accompany you to the hospital now. Let's go for an examination. The medicine is so advanced now. As long as you check the size of the child, you can know who the child is."

Yi Xiaoling got up from the sofa and asked her to go back to the room to change her clothes.

Take her to the hospital for an examination.

In the waiting room, there were only two of them.