I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 227: Waiting for another person to appear (13

Yan Chengchi is dressed in a black suit, and his upright figure reveals unparalleled dignity.

The demon's face was covered with a faint coldness, and the coquettish evil eyes, staring at the people close at hand without turning for a moment.

There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and his hand was still holding the phone tightly.

On the phone, the address the little guy just sent him.

The moment he saw the address, he remembered that today is her mother's last seven.

With her mother's affection for her, he could almost imagine how sad she would be.

Inexplicable distress, instantly swept his mind.

He didn't know if he was mad, and he hardly hesitated, so he left the meeting and drove here.

Looking at her fragile figure at this moment, he almost couldn't control it, and stepped forward to hug her into his arms.

She could hear her alone leaning on the tombstone and her impetuous mood suddenly became calm.

He stood quietly holding the bouquet, without stepping forward, his tall body leaning against the guardrail, just watching her in front of her mother's grave, telling her little daughter's thoughts and grievances.

Xia Changyue choked, completely unaware that his every move was in the eyes of the man behind him, still talking to his mother in heaven.

"What the reporter said should not be taken seriously, I will definitely try to prove myself..."

"Mom, don’t worry, I’m just complaining and complaining to you. I’m fine. I just went to see my dad a few days ago. Professor Ross took good care of him. He seemed to be more energetic. If Dad is in a stable condition, he can have surgery..."

"You saw it just now. Han Han is very sensible. He is a villain. Sometimes I suspect that he was not born to me. If you can watch him grow up with your own eyes, you will love him..."

Xia Changyue seemed to be unaware of fatigue, and told her mother one by one about everything.

Finally, she said softly, "Mom, Yan Chengchi is now different from four years ago. He has become the heir of the Yan group, and his temper is getting more and more yin and yang. Fortunately..."

As soon as Xia Changyue was halfway through his words, he suddenly felt a chill behind him, spreading from his back.

She stiffened slightly, as if she suddenly noticed two scorching eyes behind her, staring firmly at her.

She turned around, saw Yan Chengchi standing behind her, and sat down on the ground in shock.

With crystal eyes, he looked at the man with a gloomy face in astonishment.

He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but couldn't make a sound.

Yan Chengchi's powerful aura enveloped her, walking towards her step by step.

But when he approached her, he avoided her touch, went straight forward, and placed the flower in his hand in front of the tombstone.

He took a step back, bowed slightly, and turned to leave.

"Yan Chengchi..."

"Your mother was good to me when she was alive. I will come. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to force yourself to talk to a stranger." Yan Chengchi paused and looked back at her indifferently.

Thinking that she had said bad things about him in front of her mother just now, he was so heartbroken that he wanted to strangle her to death!

The yin and yang is strange, in her mind, can only think of these four words to describe him? Ok!

"..." Xia Changyue was stunned by his roar. Just after recovering from the fright that he had suddenly appeared, he remembered what he almost blurted out just now, and was scared into cold sweat.