I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2311: Unexpected surprise (15)

"Shang Lingsi, it's useless for you to go in now, it will only affect the doctor's saving lives. If you don't worry about killing Yu Xinxing, you just go in, none of us will stop you!"

Yan Chengchi roared suddenly, released the arm holding Shang Lingsi, and pushed him towards the door of the operating room.

Hearing this, Yi Haiyin also let go, and the two men stood side by side, staring at Shang Lingsi coldly.

"I killed her... yes, it was because of me. If it wasn't because of me, she wouldn't know that her body wasn't suitable, and she would have to have a child..."

Shang Lingsi was stunned at the door of the operating room, his eyes a little dull.

The thought of Yu Xinxing still lying in the operating room, life or death uncertain, even if he knew he should calm down, but he just couldn't calm down.

The thing he feared most happened...

"The situation is still uncertain. Don't mess around with yourself. You have to believe that Xin Xing will definitely survive. It is for you and your child that she will definitely survive!"

Xia Changyue stepped forward, choked up.

None of them wanted to see this happen, but since it happened, they had to believe in Yu Xinxing.

Believe in her strength as a mother.

When they heard the cry just now, the shock still reverberated in their chests.

I believe that Yu Xinxing heard it herself, she will definitely get better, watching her baby with her own eyes, and growing up healthy...

"She will be fine, will she?" Shang Lingsi heard Xia Changyue's words, he reached out and grabbed her shoulders, and asked anxiously.

Looking at her eyes is like looking at the last little hope.

Before the operation, the doctor had already told him about all possible dangers. During the operation, the most feared was maternal blood collapse, especially Yu Xinxing's physical condition was originally not good.

Even if there were no accidents, the risk of her caesarean section was higher than that of ordinary pregnant women.

"..." Xia Changyue wanted to tell him that it was okay, but she opened her mouth to Shang Lingsi's trusting eyes, but couldn't say a word.

She hoped it was all right than anyone else.

She couldn't even imagine that if Yu Xinxing really had an accident, what would Shang Lingsi do in the days to come?

The door of the operating room reopened.

The doctor walked out of the inside, reached out and took off the mask, "I'm sorry, we have tried our best, Mrs. Shang..."

"Yu Xinxing!" As soon as Shang Lingsi heard the doctor's words, his whole body twisted and he almost couldn't stand. He stretched out his hand to push the doctor away, and rushed into the operating room.

Seeing his reaction, the others hurried in.

As soon as I walked into the operating room, the smell of oncoming blood made everyone present frowned.

The baby who just appeared has been put in the incubator.

The crumpled little guy, exquisite and cute, could not tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

With my eyes closed, I fell asleep sweetly...

The little guy who had already been adored by thousands of people, but no one approached at this moment. When Xia Changyue and Yan Ling saw Yu Xinxing lying on the operating table, their eyes were red.

Tears couldn't stop falling...

The two dared not approach Yu Xinxing at all, so they turned their heads and rushed towards Yan Chengchi and Yi Haiyin beside them, holding them and crying.

Yu Xinxing's gentle face was only pale with no blood.

The blood coat on her body had been changed, and she was lying on the operating table neatly, as if she was asleep.