I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2356: But I only like you (18)

"Uncle Yan is talking about Yi Xiaoling? I remember that they just announced their relationship and they were not engaged. Moreover, the Yi family did not admit to such a marriage. Mr. Yi always opposed Yi Xiaoling being with Brother Han."

Lin Lin seemed to be ready, and when she heard Yan Chengchi's words, she quickly answered.

"Who said you can just break up without getting engaged?"

Yan Chengchi patted her hands on her knees, got up from the sofa, walked to Lin Lin, looked at her condescendingly, and paused every word.

"Xiao Ling is pregnant with my Yan family's children and grandchildren. Who do you want to be with Han Han?"


Lin Lin's body stiffened, her pupils dilated instantly, and she looked at Yan Chengchi in disbelief.

"Uncle Yan, you just said that Yi Xiaoling is... already pregnant, pregnant..." Lin Lin opened her mouth, and couldn't say anything about the rest.

Do not!

She doesn't believe it!

Yi Xiaoling was kidnapped a year ago. It was not insulted. It left a serious psychological shadow. She couldn't get close to men at all. How could she be with Yan Shuhan...

Also pregnant.

What went wrong?

A trace of panic flashed across Lin Lin's face.

The scene before her was different from what she had imagined.

She originally thought that Yan Chengchi was a nostalgic person, especially old kindness.

Even if he wouldn't force Yan Shuhan to marry himself, at least, she could win a chance to contact Yan Shuhan.

As long as she can get close to Yan Shuhan, she has a way to make him like herself.

No matter how bad, isn’t there still medicine?

As long as she has a relationship with Yan Shuhan, Yan Shuhan will be responsible to her when the time comes. If she is lucky enough to be pregnant with a child, she will be the youngest grandmother of the Yan family.

Lin Lin thought about the worst plan, that Yan Shuhan was unwilling to give her a chance.

But in that way, Yan Chengchi would have a compensatory mentality for her, and the punishment to the Lin family would be much lighter.

As long as he is willing to let the Lin family go and let her keep the Lin family's property, she will still be the Lin family eldest.

Without the sister of Lin Xin, everything in the Lin family will belong to her alone!

But Yan Chengchi cut off all her thoughts with a word.

Yan Shuhan didn't like her and was still with Yi Xiaoling.

Yi Xiaoling is pregnant...

Not only the Yan family would treat her as a young woman, but even Yi Haiyin, who had always opposed her, would agree to marriage because she did not want her daughter to have children out of wedlock.

She has no chance...

"The law will give them a fair sentence concerning your father and sister. As for the Lin Family..." Yan Chengchi raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Lin, who was sitting on the ground with a pale face.

"What I owe your father has been paid off long ago. What the Lin family became in his hands was caused by him alone. If you really want to find it, go to your father and ask him. It's where he is today. , Do not regret it later."

After Yan Chengchi's words fell, Lin Lin's expression changed abruptly.

Yan Chengchi meant to completely cut with the Lin family.

From now on, let alone the Lin Family, even Lin Linhui will no longer have any relationship with the Yan Family.

Heaven's iniquity can be forgiven, but one's own iniquity cannot live.

"Uncle Yan, my father already knew that he was wrong. You can't help you. He was doing everything he could to help you..." When Lin Lin saw Yan Chengchi was about to leave, she jumped on and hugged his calf.

Cried and cried.

"Uncle Yan, for the last time, you will help the Lin family one last time!"