I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 247: Why not love it anymore? (8)

Jiang Family Mansion.

The luxurious living room, beautifully decorated like a palace, is eye-catching.

On the leather sofa, Jiang Mingna was wearing silk pajamas, with Erlang's legs tilted, staring at the TV screen in front of her.

Seeing Xia Changyue surrounded by reporters, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Xia Changyue, a clip wanted to threaten me. You are still a bit too tender. I will teach you today, what is the meaning of "Dao and Devil". If you don't kill you, I won't be Jiang Mingna!"

Jiang Mingna threw the TV remote on the sofa, stretched out her hand to lift the red wine in front of him, and toasted to celebrate for herself.

What if acting is questioned?

She is the Jiang family eldest, even if she doesn't act, she can still join the company.

What's more, acting can be seen by a discerning person, and the audience may not buy it.

As long as she cries miserably in front of the fans, pretends to be a little wronged, and insists that Xia Changyue deliberately retaliates because of her exposure of the unspoken rules, and she will edit all her bad clips together. At that time, maybe everyone will not. Will blame her, and let Xia Changyue lift a rock and hit her in the foot.

This society sympathizes with the weak, and because of Xia Changyue’s guidance, her role was changed and she was outraged. She is the image of the weak.

Xia Changyue has changed the ending of the script how many times to attract attention, but she can't change her in the hearts of the audience, she is a woman who relies on unspoken rules.

As long as she insists not to appear, when today's press conference is over, Xia Changyue's reputation in this circle is completely stinking!

"Xia Changyue, Xia Changyue, planted in my hands, you are considered dead. I respect you for this cup." Jiang Mingna raised her hand and gestured towards the TV.

Seeing that her fans had already taken the light stick to the speaking stage and threw it at Xia Changyue because she had not appeared, her eyes were full of triumphant smiles.

He put the red wine glass to his mouth gracefully, and when he was about to open his mouth, he saw the housekeeper rushing in from outside.

"Miss, no, it's not good..."

"What is all the fuss about?" Jiang Mingna was interrupted in joy, her face turned dark.

"Miss, a lot of people came outside the gate, all bodyguards, and they surrounded the mansion...." The butler ran too quickly and said breathlessly.

"What nonsense are you talking about! In City G, who would dare to surround the gate of my Jiang family and don't want to live anymore?" Jiang Ming stood up from the sofa and stared straight.

"I think it's you who don't want to live." A cold voice came from outside the door.

Yan Chengchi wears a black suit with short hair flying.

The buttons on the collar of his shirt were slightly loosened, and the indifference was awkward.

Lazily walking, every step reveals absolute killing, crushing on everyone's heart.

Jin Tezhu stood beside him, raising his hand slightly, and a group of bodyguards behind him immediately rushed forward to surround the entire living room.

Jiang Mingna looked at Yan Chengchi who was walking towards her step by step, her face turned pale in fright, she fell and sat on the ground, "Chi, Chi Shao..."


The conference site.

"Thank you journalists and friends, please be seated first, and your questions will be answered later." More and more security appeared at the venue, quelling the messy scenes one by one.

When they met someone who didn't obey the command, the two security guards stepped forward, picked them up from the left and the other, and threw them out of the venue.

"If anyone deliberately makes trouble, we will call the police immediately!" As soon as the domineering voice fell, the press conference site quieted for a moment.