I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2484: That person is here (3)

"Dust..." Zhang Yuanyuan wanted to say something, Yang Shuchen had already turned and left.

She was left alone, standing in place, holding the dispatch order in her hand, the joy on her face had become unwilling.

Put five fingers together and squeeze the file in your hand into a ball!

"Ms. Zhang, Shao Chen must have worked too hard yesterday, so you have a bad temper. Don't take it to your heart. You helped the company solve such a big problem. How could Shao Chen not know you are good."

The secretary-general on the side, seeing her face unhappy, busy with comfort.

The identity of Zhang Yuanyuan is unknown to other people in the Secretariat, she knows it.

Both sides can't afford to offend, she naturally wants to make ends meet.

"I know, he is still angry with me. When I get to the program department, the two of us will meet every day at work. Then, he will naturally know how much I care about him."

Zhang Yuanyuan smiled slightly, her beautiful face gleaming with the ambition to win.

She never admits defeat, especially for what she wants.

Zhang Yuanyuan handed the documents in hand to the secretary general, "I want to complete the handover as soon as possible. I hope I can work in the program department tomorrow."

"No problem, I have ordered other colleagues to take over your work, and it can be arranged today." The secretary-general took the file, turned sideways, and let Zhang Yuanyuan follow her into the office-

In the apartment.

Guan Yunian fell asleep deeply, and when he woke up in a daze, he heard a beep from his computer.

She narrowed her eyes, sat up from the bed, stretched out her hand to pluck her hair twice, opened the quilt and walked towards the desk in front of her, lazily like a Garfield who just woke up.

"Who is looking for me at this time..." Guan Yunian yawned, and the whole person was a little confused. The next second, he caught a glimpse of the extra mail in the mailbox and his eyes widened.

The sleeper lingering in his head just now seemed to disappear in an instant.

She straightened her waist, reached out to grab the mouse, and clicked on the mail.

There is only a simple sentence above: [Why do you want to see me? 】

three is asking her...

Want to answer honestly?

What should she do if he refuses?

In almost an instant, Guan Yunian thought about all the possibilities.

Finally, putting both hands on the keyboard, my mind is still messed up.

[Can I tell you in person? 】

After sending this sentence, Guan Yunian's heart was lifted.

This is how many times she didn't know how many times she wanted to see Three, but Three avoided talking, or changed the subject.

She couldn't guess his thoughts at all, or in other words, couldn't guess what he was worrying about.

Do you not want to see her, or is there another reason...

Is it because his identity is very special?

After Guan Yunian sent the email, she was going to brush her teeth and wash her face.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she stood up, she heard a notification tone from the computer of receiving an email, which was the tone she set up for three alone.

Usually when her emails are sent out, three will reply after a while. I didn’t expect this time to be so fast...

Guan Yunian sat back in the chair and hugged her laptop.

Seeing the email above, it was really three sent, and his eyes became gleaming.

Is it a coincidence, or three is waiting for her?

[You have been tracking my whereabouts, where am I, have you found it? 】

In the email, there was only a succinct sentence.

Guan Yunian bit her lip, staring at this sentence, lost in thought.