I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2540: All are routines! (17)

Shaking away vigorously, he got into the bed and got ready to sleep.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, the sound of water in her ears became clearer.

Like a curse, it kept lingering in her ears.

In front of her eyes, the appearance of Yang Shuchen without clothes flashed continuously...

He is tall and looks very thin, but he has a strong physique without his clothes, but he does not feel insecure at all.

The smooth abdominal muscle lines can be seen at a glance, and he often exercises.

The sound of splashing water is still ringing...

In Guan Yunian's mind, he was already beginning to outline what he would look like when he was naked.

That enchanting face, coupled with the perfect side, is simply outrageous.

"Pop!" Guan Yunian raised his hand and patted his forehead, cursing in a low voice.

What is she thinking?

Actually Xiao Xiang Yang Shuchen...

Guan Yunian sat up from the sofa, looked at the bathroom door that was still closed, and walked to the water dispenser without saying a word, poured himself a large glass of water, and drank it.

The sound of water has not stopped.

She couldn't help but had another drink.

Finally, the pressure on the body was reduced.

Walked towards the sofa again.

When I walked to the bathroom, I heard the sound of water stop.

She paused, holding the water cup in her hand, tightening slightly, and was about to lie down on the sofa and pretend to fall asleep, not to give Yang Shuchen a chance to tease her.

As soon as she opened her foot, she saw the bathroom door opened in front of her.

Yang Shuchen walked out from inside with his hair wet, with only a scarf around his waist.

"I'm thirsty." Guan Yunian caught a glimpse of the joke in his eyes and deliberately raised the water glass, explaining that he was just coming over to pour water, not wanting to watch him take a shower.

Who knows that it's okay if she doesn't speak. Yang Shuchen didn't wipe her hair as soon as she spoke. He threw the towel on the ground, grabbed her shoulders, and pressed her against the wall next to her.

He lowered his head on her cherry lips and took a peck.

"Don't say you are thirsty, even if you are hungry, I can feed you."


Guan Yunian was sluggish for a few seconds before realizing what his words meant, blushing, unable to find any refutation.


"Well, only to you rascal!"


"The face is still necessary, I'm all over my body, there is only this advantage left in your eyes, and I must cherish it."

"..." He also knew that he was ignorant, only a skin.

But why does she still think something is wrong?

Is he mocking her for judging people by appearance? !

Guan Yunian gritted her teeth, wishing to rush to bite him and tear a piece of meat from him.

"Xiao Niannian, it's too late. Drinking too much water is bad. I have a way to quench my thirst. I can teach you." Yang Shuchen took the water glass in her hand and threw it aside.

He held her face with both hands, and closed her lips by lowering her head.

"Hmm!" Guan Yunian tensed her body, stared straight, and looked at the man who forced her to kiss her.

Clenched his hands into fists and punched his chest hard.

The way he said to quench her thirst is to let her drink his saliva? !

She doesn't agree with him today! ! !

Guan Yunian didn't know how they were hitting, so she hit the bed. In the end, she was firmly pressed on the bed by Yang Shuchen, watching him as he was familiar with the road, picking up the buttons of her coat one by one.

She wanted to struggle, but in exchange for his more domineering suppression.

"Yang Shuchen, let go of me if you have the ability to fight again!"

"I have won."