I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 260: The person he hides in his heart (1)

Xia Changyue couldn't help whispering when she heard the back, "There are already a lot of dishes, and we can't finish it for the two of us..."

Hearing this, Yan Chengchi paused and raised his eyebrows to look at her.

After that, I closed the menu and handed it to the waiter, "Take these first."

"..." Now Xia Changyue was stunned.

She had just said it casually, and never thought he would listen.

Even afraid that he would be angry, she dared not speak loudly.

Xia Changyue put his hand under the table, pulling her palm nervously. How did she feel that Yan Chengchi today is a bit different from yesterday.

But she couldn't tell where it was different.

Is she a battered physique? He doesn't scold her, she is not used to it...

When the waiter served the dishes, Xia Changyue recovered.

Seeing the fragrant dishes in front of her, she moved her index finger.

But soon I remembered another question.

The Yan Group's inspection team came to the crew, but no one arranged a banquet?

When Xia Changyue was struggling, Yan Chengchi was also quietly looking at her.

She frowned and pouted from time to time, with a confused look on her face, vividly as if she was performing a mime.

The voice of Han Han resounded in Yan Chengchi's ears, his eyes deepened.

The picture of her alone in the conference room gnawing lunch and working overtime suddenly appeared in front of him.

He suddenly wanted to know, why didn't she move in to live with An Chenxu?

Given the conditions of her family, she doesn't need such hard work at all.



The two people agreed, and they were stunned at the same time.

"What do you want to say?" Yan Chengchi's eyes flashed, let her speak first.

"Well, why don't you eat all the time?" Xia Changyue glanced at the bowls and chopsticks he hadn't moved at all, and asked cautiously.

Seeing his indifferent expression, he immediately lowered his head to eat, pretending that he hadn't said anything, he didn't need to answer.

Filling her mouth with a meal full of food, Xia Changyue chewed hard, facing the deep black eyes of Shang Yan Chengchi, she couldn't help but think of the picture of them eating together four years ago...

At that time, Yan Chengchi, although he spoke few words, was not as indifferent as he is now.

He likes to cook for her and then watch her eat with gusto.

She complained more than once, and if she is raised by him, she will definitely become a piglet.

But when he brought the food to her, she would immediately become a piggy stubbornly and willingly.

And he, always smiling, watching her eat up the food with a fond look in his eyes...

"Can you just look at me without having to eat?" Xia Changyue finally couldn't help asking one day.

He was stunned at the time, and immediately, with a particularly **** voice, every word was eaten, "It's enough to be beautiful."

She was instantly flushed and her brain was hot, and she almost buried her face in the meal...

Recalling the sweetness of the past, Xia Changyue's small face was stained with a layer of crimson, biting her lip, holding back the throbbing in her heart, and looking at Yan Chengchi.

"What did you just want to say?"

"..." Yan Chengchi looked at her pretty face, his eyes deepened slightly.

Want to ask?

What can I do after asking?

Can he mind her betrayal?

A dead silence spread between the two people...

Xia Changyue's scalp was numb when he saw him, and he didn't dare to speak out in protest. After a meal, the clothes on his back were almost sweaty.

"Chi Shao, please sign it." The waiter walked forward with the bill.