I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2706: Heartbeat (22)

I lowered my head and kissed her on the face, exhaling like charm: "Xiao Niannian, I miss you so much, I can't even tell a story."


"Also, it was Xiao Si who asked me to take care of you, he was there watching, let me help him kiss you more." Yang Shuchen said, taking advantage of the moment Guan Yunian turned her head, she was on Guan Yunian's cheek again Got a kiss.

Immediately, he slowly raised his head and looked at the distant window.

Sure enough, the little guy sitting there turned dark!


Fight with him? Brat, twenty years will pass!

"Xiao Si is not in good health, how can you leave him alone, in case there is any accident..." Guan Yunian said uneasy.

"He won't just sit there right now, nothing will happen, we can hear him when he is so close, what are you afraid of?" Yang Shuchen still held Guan Yunian and didn't let go.

Guan Yunian's thoughts were all on Xiao Si in the reading room, and did not notice the intimate posture of the two.

It is really close to the reading room. She is too nervous. Stoudemire has always been very obedient, and will call her if she is uncomfortable.

"Yang Shuchen, you don't need your help here, you go back to the lounge and wait for me." Guan Yunian recovered, pushed Yang Shuchen away, and looked at him up and down.

He is still wearing yesterday's clothes. Although the shirt is a little wrinkled, the high-end customized suit is still incompatible with this small dish.

Guan Yunian couldn't imagine the way he was squatting on the ground to grow vegetables...

"Are you going to finish planting this vegetable plot alone?" Yang Shuchen ignored her words and went straight over Guan Yunian and picked up the soil loosening tools on the ground.

The area of ​​the remaining open space in the garden is not counted, but it needs to loosen the soil and grow vegetables. It is still very hard for a girl to do it.

Yang Shuchen unbuttoned the shirt cuffs, picked up the tools, and began to loosen the soil.

"Yang Shuchen..."

Guan Yunian looked at the man who completely ignored her, shouted, frowned and froze in place.

Yang Shuchen was born noble, and she knew without asking, he must have never done such a rough job.

But seeing him loosen the soil, Guan Yunian didn't feel awkward.

He wielded his hoe, not caring about his image.

Sweat dripped over his handsome face, dripping from his chin...

His shoes and trouser legs were stained with soil, but it did not affect his work at all.

Guan Yunian stood aside, watching Yang Shuchen who was sweating like rain, an inexplicable throbbing suddenly penetrated the limbs.

Such Yang Shuchen really made her irresistible.

She even has an illusion that they can also be people in the world...

"What are you thinking about?" Yang Shuchen didn't know when, she had already stood in front of her, her angular face, slightly hanging down, staring at her in a trance.

"You sweat a lot, I have paper towels here..." Guan Yunian took out the paper towel from her pocket in a hurry and handed it to him.

Yang Shuchen did not reach out to take it, but moved his face to her.

"You wipe it for me."

"..." Guan Yunian hesitated for a few seconds before raising his head and gently wiping the sweat off his face.

"You can rest for a while, I will plant the seedlings, and it will be better soon." Guan Yunian pulled him to the shade next to him, before he took the seedlings and started planting.

After a while, Yang Shuchen came back again.

The speed of two people is obviously faster than her alone.

Guan Yunian saw that he didn't make trouble, so she didn't drive him.

"I'll talk to the dean, we will leave now." Guan Yunian packed up the tools, clapped his hands, and said to Yang Shuchen.