I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2738: It was her, how could it be her! (1)

Zhang Yuanyuan said, as if he had also suddenly woke up, rushed to Yang Shuchen excitedly, and straightened his waist.

"Dust, you said that as long as I do my job well, you won't drive me away, and have you forgotten how dangerous is CJ's firewall if it wasn't me? I don't want you to thank me, too Don’t want you to reward me, as long as I can stay in CJ."

People around Zhang Yuanyuan couldn't help but stare at each other.

Many of them, when reminded by Zhang Yuanyuan's words, thought of the sudden disaster.

If it were not for the timely cracking of the virus, the CJ Program Department would only be afraid of the losses it would face. It is really impossible to estimate...

Now Zhang Yuanyuan brought up the matter, if Yang Shuchen disregarded his old feelings and just drove people away, the rest of the program department would be chilled.

An ungrateful person, who will sell his life for him in the future?

"I have won. You said that the winner will be determined in a week, and the people in the testing room should be responsible. Then it should be calculated according to the results from the testing side!"

Zhang Yuanyuan grabbed Yang Shuchen's arm and burst into tears.

"I know you are helping Guan Yunian. I don't care about it. Even if we are even, as long as you let me stay, I can leave the program department and return to the secretariat..."

"Enough said?" Yang Shuchen's thin lips opened slightly, and softly interrupted her.

Glancing at Zhang Yuanyuan and holding her hand, his eyes showed disgust.

"Not enough!" Zhang Yuanyuan grasped tighter, as if worried that as soon as he let go, he would be dragged out from here, holding Yang Shuchen tightly and not letting go.

"Dust, everything I do is for you. I just want to stay by your side. Do you really have the heart to drive me away?"


Yang Shuchen stood motionless with an upright posture.

Despite Zhang Yuanyuan crying hoarse, he was not moved, his black eyes lifted slightly and looked at the assistant beside him.

The assistant understood, and immediately ordered the bodyguard to step forward to drag Zhang Yuanyuan away.

"I'm the hero of the company, who dares to touch me?" Before the bodyguard touched Zhang Yuanyuan, she suddenly screamed, hiding behind Yang Shuchen, avoiding the bodyguard.

The tone became flustered.

"Dust, the Yan family and Zhang family are family friends, don't you even care about the face of your elders?"


"Then what was everything I did for you and CJ? If you drive me away today, all the media will receive news tomorrow, letting people in the industry know that you, Yang Shuchen, are a person who sheds trouble and kills a donkey. Woman, kill all heroes!"

Zhang Yuanyuan bit on what had happened, and said nothing to leave.

Seeing that Yang Shuchen's expression hadn't changed, she didn't seem to want to let her go, she raised her head and looked at the employees standing around.

"You all take a good look, this is the attitude of the CJ executives towards us, haha, I am treated like this today, you will also wait for it in the future!"


I have to say that Zhang Yuanyuan is a master of incitement.

Although the colleagues in the program department didn't like her arrogant attitude, Zhang Yuanyuan was indeed a hero. They all knew about the last time they cracked the virus.

This time the bet was lost, and the merits and demerits were equal. Zhang Yuanyuan was also willing to leave the program department, but hoped to stay in CJ, even if he returned to the secretariat.

Such humble requests were rejected, and Yang Shuchen's approach would chill many people.