I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 2779: how could this be? (8)

"Do I look good?" Yang Shuchen was annoyed. Why did he take Tang Yuansi to the Shang family villa, and when he heard the assistant's words, he almost squeezed it out of his teeth.

His heart is about to burst, and he is not good at all.

He needs comfort!

"Miss Xinxin just lacks playmates. It's rare to meet someone who can play with her. She is only fresh for a while. In Miss Xinxin's heart, the young master must still be her favorite brother."

The assistant is a visionary, and when he sees that the situation is not right, he immediately picks up what Yang Shuchen loves to hear.

"Really? I'm still the brother I love the most?" Yang Shuchen's face eased a little, but he was not very good-looking.

The two little ones on the swing have no idea what they are talking about.

Is there a lot of topics for such a young child to talk about?

What do they know?

Yang Shuchen couldn't breathe out of his chest.

Why isn't Guan Yunian coming?

If she doesn't come to pick Tang Yuansi away, he is really worried that he will be unable to control it...

"Master, people are coming!" The housekeeper hurried in from outside, ran to Yang Shuchen's side in one breath, and returned anxiously.

"A taxi stopped outside the villa. I saw with my own eyes that Miss Guan got out of the car and immediately came to inform." The butler panted and said.

"Master, do you want to hide Stoudemire now?"

Yang Shuchen took so much time to trick Stoudemire, and it must be more than just let Guan Yunian come and pick him up.

"Let the guard take her into the living room of the villa, and I'll come right away." Yang Shuchen's evil eyes constricted, and the anger out of Xiao Si, hearing the news of Guan Yunian's appearance, finally eased a little.

He gave an order to the housekeeper, and walked towards the two little guys who were playing on the swing.

Walked to Stoudemire and reached out to stop the swing.

"I have something to tell you." Yang Shuchen's thin lips opened slightly, and his serious attitude was not like communicating with a child, but treating him as a friend.

Repeatedly assured Cao Xin that he would return the person to her after just a few words with Tang Yuansi, and Cao Cao was finally willing to let go.

Yang Shuchen took Xiao Si to the grass aside, let go, put his hands in his pockets, and slightly opened his lips.

"Do you want to live with your sister Guan?"


"When I picked you up, you knew that I was lying to you, but you still agreed to come out with me, indicating that you know what my purpose is. You help me, it proves that our ideas are the same."

Yang Shuchen raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the little boy who was still silent in front of him.

"As long as you do what I say for a while, I can promise you that the first thing I do with your sister Guan is to find a way to take you out of the orphanage and live with us. From now on, we will be you. Family."

"...You are good to Sister Guan." The little boy who had been silent, opened his lips suddenly, and threw out a word without thinking.

With just a few simple words, even Yang Shuchen was stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

He wanted to say that he would help him, not to negotiate terms with him, but because he was good to Guan Yunian?

I can't tell, this brat really cares about Guan Yunian.

In this way, he should take Xiao Si out of the orphanage, so that he can live with Guan Yunian.

Yang Shuchen took his hand and walked towards the living room of the villa, "Come with me, I will take you to find your sister Guan."