I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 287: Yan Chengchi, I like you! (3)

Is she dazzled?

The car she saw just now was so familiar, it looked like Yan Chengchi's car...

No, no, he said that he is in the company, and he just finished the meeting, how could he be here?

But with his arrogant license plate number, can there be another one in G city?

Xia Changyue frowned slightly looking at the luxury car that had disappeared on the street.

She must have been wrong, and Yan Chengchi had no reason to lie to her.

But what if it is really him?

Thinking of Chen Da's completely different reactions before and after, Xia Changyue's heart was struck again.

If it was Yan Chengchi, why did he lie to her?

Xia Changyue took out his mobile phone and was about to dial his phone. The moment his finger touched the screen, he stopped again.

Get through, what is she going to ask?

Asked why he came to the hotel, but lied to her?

Still asked him why he helped her but didn't tell her?

What if he said she just dazzled the wrong person? Do you think she's making an excuse to contact him?

Moreover, it is good to say that she admits the wrong person. In case he says, anything he does is for the benefit of the group, let her not be affectionate, she is so embarrassed...

"Miss, do you want to take a taxi?" a taxi stopped beside her and asked politely.

"..." Xia Changyue was stunned, only to realize that he was standing on the side of the road and was in a daze, and quickly opened the car door and sat in.

After reporting the address to the master, she still did not let go of her hand holding the phone.

Head down, entangled whether to ask clearly.

But what if you ask clearly?

Yan Chengchi hates her so much now, even if he really came to the hotel and solved the crisis for the crew, it should not be because of her.

Her gratitude is meaningless to him.

She can't get close to him anymore...

Xia Changyue shook his head and was about to put the phone in his bag, but the phone rang suddenly.

"Ms. Xia, the circuit in our kindergarten has malfunctioned, and someone has been contacted to repair it, but if the repair is not good at the moment, can I trouble you to come and pick up the kids in advance?"

"I'll be there now." Xia Changyue's big crystal eyes blinked, and he simply asked the taxi master to stop at the kindergarten gate.

As soon as she walked down, she caught a glimpse of Han Han carrying his small beetle backpack, leaping towards her.

The delicate little face was flushed with red because of running too fast.

"Xiaoyueyue!" Han Handong threw into her arms, Xia Changyue picked up the little guy, greeted the teacher, and left.

Along the way, Han Han was talking happily, but Xia Changyue didn't hear a word. He was still thinking about the car that I saw on the street just now. The car was sitting in it. Is it Yan Chengchi...

Walking to the door of the house, she put the little guy on the ground and took out the key to open the door.

Go straight in, close the door, enter the room, and lie down on the bed.

After a long time, suddenly there was something quiet around my consciousness. After a few seconds, he suddenly jumped from the bed and rushed towards the door.

Opened the door, saw the poor guy standing at the door, and quickly picked him up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Xiao Yueyue forgot you..."

"Xiao Yueyue, do you have something to worry about? A worry that is more important than King Hanhan?" The little guy puffed his cheeks, staring suspiciously at her.

King Hanhan was actually locked out by Xiao Yueyue. This is something that has never happened before, so that he was so surprised that he forgot to have the key in his backpack...