I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 429: Turn on domineering mode (1)

"..." Xia Changyue was about to refuse to admit it, Yan Chengchi squeezed her chin's hand, suddenly heavy.

The coquettish Zitong shone with strange light.

"You dare to say it's not me, I will strangle you immediately!"

"..." Xia Changyue trembled.

The big eyes slid around, and finally fell to the tea cup he put on the table, his eyes lit up.

"There is no water in the tea, I'll get you a pot of water, what's the matter, I'll talk about it later!" Xia Changyue bent over and picked up the kettle, and ran outside the rest shed without saying anything.

The smoke disappeared.

Yan Chengchi looked at her back with a guilty conscience, and a smile slowly conjured up at the corner of her mouth.

Hide, when does he think she can hide?


"Huh..." Xia Changyue ran to the lake in one breath, hugged the kettle, and knelt down tangledly.

Temporarily escaped the catastrophe, but she couldn't keep fetching water without going back.

She had to find a way to deal with Yan Chengchi.

But at this moment, where would she go to find a way?

Xia Changyue took a heavy step, walked towards the boiling water room, hit a pot of water, and walked back slowly like a snail.

Just about to confess to Yan Chengchi with a mortal heart, a person suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

"It's you?" Xia Changyue frowned when she saw Song Xinfei standing in front of her.

If she remembers correctly, the next scene will be Song Xinfei and Yi Haiyin's rivalry. If she doesn't prepare to film, what will she do when she stops her way?

Xia Changyue passed her and was about to leave.

Just two steps later, Song Xinfei walked around her again and reached out to stop her.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Song Xinfei looked at Xia Changyue up and down, as if she had made up her mind before speaking.

"I know you are so diligent, but to get close to Chi Shao. We may have misunderstood a little bit before, but I can tell you now that I have given up Chi Shao. You don't need to be hostile to me."

"Miss Song probably misunderstood. The person who has been hostile seems to be you." Xia Changyue was slightly surprised for a second, and then answered indifferently.

"Since it is a misunderstanding, are we now considered as having resolved the misunderstanding?" Song Xinfei said, reaching out to her agent, taking the script, and handing it to Xia Changyue.

In the script, an important rival between her and Yi Haiyin was circled out.

Xia Changyue glanced, her pupil tightened, not understanding what Song Xinfei meant.

"I don't want you to write me so perfect. I only have one request. Help me change this scene. I want my rivalry with Yi Haiyin to be more beautiful and romantic than today's one!"

Song Xinfei said, her eyes showed strong ambition.

Who said that the second actress can't be better than the heroine?

As long as she wants to do what Song Xinfei wants to do, she can definitely do it!

She wanted Yan Ling to pale in front of her.

In this way, even if Yi Haiyin knew that Yan Ling was the person he was looking for, he would still dismiss her.

"Why should I help you?" After hearing her words, Xia Changyue smiled sarcastically.

She really wanted to find a ruler to measure Song Xinfei's face.

This woman has made trouble in her workplace, tripped her in full view, and regarded her as a thorn in her eyes a few days ago.

In the blink of an eye, I asked her to change the script. Is her brain caught by the door?

and also……

"Miss Song seems to have remembered something wrong." Xia Changyue smiled slightly, looking straight at Song Xinfei, saying, "It's not that you gave up Shao Chi, but Shao Chi has never seen you in his eyes."