I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 471: Quirky little baby (5)

Xia Changyue was in the room, holding Han Han for a while, and then he was relieved to make sure that he was really fine.

Rubbing his little face, he took his little hand downstairs.

As soon as I reached the top of the stairs, I saw the father and daughter sitting on the sofa playing with blocks.

Yan Chengchi leaned on the sofa, leaning on Erlang's legs leisurely, Momo sat in his arms and watched him stack up the blocks, reaching out and pushing them down...

A simple game, the father and daughter had a great time.

Seeing the mother and son coming downstairs, Yan Chengchi's eyes flashed, and before he could speak, the little princess in his arms took the lead in betraying.

As soon as the soft body slid down, he stepped on his short legs and ran towards Xia Changyue.

"Auntie Xia, hug!" She didn't let the villain brother occupy her mother alone!

"Momo, don't call me Aunt Xia. Follow your brother and call me Xiaoyueyue, right?" Xia Changyue put Hanhan down, reached out and picked up the little princess, and said naturally.

You can't keep the little princess calling her Aunt Xia, in case the little princess forgets one day.

"Xiao Yueyue, I love you the most!" Momo pursed her small mouth and kissed her on the cheek.

"Momo, you just said that the person you love the most is me." Someone's cold voice floated over in a chilly voice.

Momo: "..."! !

In the next second, Yan Chengchi got up from the sofa, walked to Xia Changyue, and took the little princess away from her arms.

Just when Xia Changyue was about to hug Han Han, he quickly extended his other arm and hugged Han Han.

One left and one right, he held both the big and small babies firmly in his arms, not even leaving Xia Changyue's clothes corners.

Tibu walked towards the coffee table in front of the living room.

The stalwart body, holding the two children, seemed relaxed without any effort.

Xia Changyue looked at his back, suddenly a little lost.

He only has big and small baby in his eyes now, he can't see her anymore...

You really want to be so powerful, why don't you take her away?

Realizing what she was thinking, Xia Changyue quickly reached out and slapped herself.

Looking up again, he saw that Yan Chengchi had put down both Hanhan and Momo, and asked the housekeeper to take a box of large puzzles, pour it on the coffee table, and teach the two babies to play.

The two little guys are both human beings, Yan Chengchi couldn't start, and they learned it right away. You are very clever and you play with puzzle pieces.

Xia Changyue was ignored completely...

"How are you thinking?" Yan Chengchi walked slowly to her, opening his lips indifferently.

"..." Xia Changyue was stunned for a while, and then he realized that he was talking about moving in.

Xia Changyue's heart moved as he watched two babies having fun.

She wants to stay more than anyone, but she can't.

"The villa is too far away from the crew. It is not convenient for me to live here. If you can't let me pick up Han Han, can you let me visit him often?"

Xia Changyue remembered Yan Ling's reminder, bit her lip, and looked up at Yan Chengchi.

"..." Yan Chengchi stared at her guilty face, his eyes dimmed.

Immediately, he turned straight and walked towards the two babies without comment.

Xia Changyue was left on the sidelines, neither going nor staying. Finally, looking at her little ones, she followed them to play puzzles with them.

"Chi Shao, just received the news that Miss Ye's plane came back today, saying that she wanted to come over to see you." The butler strode to Yan Chengchi and replied respectfully.