I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 549: Clean up the white lotus! (3)

There is only a blank in Chaos's mind.

The memory slowly withdrew from the scene before losing consciousness yesterday...

She remembered that she heard Yan Chengchi's voice!

Xia Changyue regained his senses abruptly, then raised his head and looked at the surrounding environment.

The light was a bit dim, but she could vaguely see that this seemed to be Yan Chengchi’s master bedroom...

Before she mustered up the courage to look at the face of the man next to her, a strong arm had crossed her waist and rolled her into her arms.

"Wake up? Huh!" The man's hoarse magnetic voice, like a cello, melodious and pleasant.

But the thick anger in his words made Xia Changyue nervous.

It was too late to make her happy, but fortunately, Yan Chengchi, the tender meat on his waist, was severely pinched by him.

The pain made her gasp!

Next to his ear, Yan Chengchi Yinsi's voice was heard, "Since you wake up, let's do some calculations..."

"I'm so tired, I'll sleep for a while, what's the matter, wait until I wake up!" Xia Changyue closed his eyes, sank into the quilt, tilted his head, and began to play dead.

She doesn't even know what happened last night.

But listening to Yan Chengchi's voice, I don't know it's not a good thing.

Regardless of questioning how they slept in the same bed, and what fierce things happened, Xia Changyue tried to shrink back into the quilt, desperately trying to avoid his anger.

But she had just been tossing all night, and she was all soft.

A move, aching body, as if being torn apart.

Those vague memories seemed to get into her mind bit by bit.

She drank Song Xinfei's wine, and then she felt something wrong with her body, and when she wanted to leave, she seemed to ran in the wrong place.

She saw Shang Ling Si Xie's smiling face, and then...

Then again?

Just when she thought she was going to be doomed to escape, Yan Chengchi appeared...

The reason that was originally strong, when he saw him appear, could no longer sustain the collapse.

After returning to the villa, she really couldn't remember.

In a daze, someone was taking a bath for her. She was very hot at the time and she rubbed him desperately.

Not only scratched, but also caught several times...

She seemed to bit him several times...

Throughout the night, she floated up and down like a small boat on the sea.

In my mind, I just remember to hold him tight...I can't help but slap him.

The more Xia Changyue thought about it, the slap-sized face became redder, and within a short while, it burned like a medicinal effect.

Carefully raised his head, glancing at the solidified wound on his thin lips, his little head immediately guilty of drilling into the quilt, covering himself tightly from beginning to end.

She must have been affected by the drug yesterday, and she has a wrong memory!

She definitely did not do such a shameful thing to Yan Chengchi...

All this must be her dreaming...

Sleep, wake up and forget it.

Xia Changyue tried her best to hypnotize herself, and after a whole night of tossing her body, she was already exhausted, but after a while, she really fell asleep.

Like a fox, he instinctively drilled into Yan Chengchi's arms.

"..." Yan Chengchi heard the sound of even breathing coming from his ear, and stretched out his hand to tear open the quilt covering her little head.

Seeing her cleverly sleeping face, the depression in her chest suddenly disappeared.

Reached out and hugged her into his arms, and replaced it with a night of satisfaction.