I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 604: Sit well and don't move! (8)

Just after calling Xia Changyue, he called Yan Chengchi again.


Hearing this, Yan Chengchi's eyebrows moved slightly, and he only felt that his heart was pinched by a small hand.

Ignoring the others, I immediately walked in, sat on the side of the bed, and took her little hand, "Here is Dad."

It seemed that I could really feel my parents around me, and the little princess who had been muttering just now became quiet.

It's just a small brow, still twisting tightly.

The small face carved in pink jade, you can't see the usual spirits, only the blush of the high fever.

The little one was lying on the bed, pitifully.

"Didn't you say that the doctor has seen it? After taking the medicine, why doesn't the fever return?" Yan Chengchi's eyes sank, and he immediately stared at the butler standing by the door.

"The young lady is too young, and the doctor is afraid to use heavy medicine. She can only try to take some small doses of anti-fever medicine. I will call the doctor..." The butler explained in fright, turning around and hurried to call someone.

"If the anti-fever medicine is useless, you can only use physical cooling, you help me accompany her, I will fetch water." After Xia Changyue heard the housekeeper's words, a trace of clarity flashed across her crystal clear eyes.

After leaving a sentence, he turned and went into the bathroom to get a basin.

Soon, he took a basin of warm water, wetted it with a towel, and wiped Momo's body.

"Is there any alcohol in the villa?" Xia Changyue asked anxiously when Momo's body was still hot to the touch.

"Yes, it's in the first aid kit." Yan Chengchi's eyes flashed and he opened his lips confidently.

"Just like I did, twist the towel and put it on her, I'll get it." Xia Changyue stuffed the towel in Yan Chengchi's hand, turned and ran out of the room.

After a while, he returned with alcohol and continued to cool down the little princess.

When the doctor went upstairs, Mo Mo's body temperature finally dropped a little.

"The little lady’s fever is a bit fast. Just taking the medicine may not be effective for a while, but the physical cooling effect is good, and there are no side effects. You can try again. When the temperature drops, let her sleep well. It should be fine."

After the doctor checked, he looked at Xia Changyue and said.

"Mrs. Yan looked like someone who would take care of the children. She was very considerate to the little lady."

"..." Xia Changyue smiled awkwardly at Shang Yan Chengchi's gaze.

To the doctor's "Mrs. Yan", it was neither admitted nor denied.

Fortunately, the doctor confirmed that Momo was okay and left first.

Just as Xia Changyue was about to wipe the little princess again, Yan Chengchi suddenly took the towel in her hand.

"I'm here, you rest a while."

"I'm fine, you have no experience..." Xia Changyue anxiously wanted to grab the towel from his hand. Before his hand touched the towel, Yan Chengchi took him into his arms.

Press her on her thigh, "I can't learn, you teach me."

His strong arms circled her waist from behind, his thin lips pressed against her ears, and his lips opened slightly.

"This is too much trouble, I can do it myself." Xia Changyue moved her little butt, and just about to stand up, she heard Yan Chengchi take a breath.

Suddenly, fixed her body, gritted her teeth, "Sit down and don't move!"


As soon as Xia Changyue recovered, he noticed the changes in his body and froze suddenly.

"Momo's fever has not yet subsided, you still have the heart to think about this... rascal!"

Hearing this, Yan Chengchi raised his eyebrows, "There is a little fairy sitting in his arms, don't wait for Momo's fever to go away, I think I should have a fever."

Xia Changyue: "..."! !