I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 605: Sit well and don't move! (9)

After Momo took the medicine, she physically cooled down for several hours, and her body temperature finally dropped.

Xia Changyue threw the towel into the basin and let out a long sigh of relief looking at the little princess who was well-behaved sleeping in the bed.

The most important thing now is not to let the body temperature repeat in the middle of the night, she has to stare at her to be relieved.

Ke Yan Chengchi...

Xia Changyue turned his head and looked at Yan Chengchi, who had been staring at her since knowing that the little princess was all right.

After struggling for a long time, she suffocated, "Can I stay overnight tonight?"

"Good." Yan Chengchi replied without even thinking about it.

"Then I will sleep with Momo today." Xia Changyue felt relieved and spoke again.

"Okay." Yan Chengchi was still a word without hesitation, and immediately added a sentence slowly, "Sleep together."

Xia Changyue: "..."

She stayed to take care of her daughter, not to make him play a hooligan!

"The doctor said that Momo is in poor physique. You are taking care of her alone. I don't worry. I want to stay to supervise the work." Yan Chengchi found himself an excellent reason and turned around and went into the bathroom.

Soon, there was a sound of water in the bathroom.

Xia Changyue was sitting by the bed, listening to the sound of water splashing in her ears, before her eyes, there seemed to be a scene of a beautiful male bathing...

His strong chest, perfect abs, **** mermaid line...

Xia Changyue swallowed, recovered, and immediately raised his hand and knocked his head fiercely.

What she was thinking about.

Xia Changyue covered the quilt for the little princess before leaving the bedroom and asked the housekeeper to help her prepare a change of clothes.

As soon as I returned to the room, I saw Yan Chengchi stepping out of the bathroom.

There was nothing on him.

Only around the waist, I wrapped a bath towel.

Drops of water dripped from the short hair on the top of the head, across the strong chest, abdominal muscles, and **** mermaid lines...

Xia Changyue's petite body suddenly froze in the doorway.

The next second, he quickly reached out and touched his nose.

Fortunately, she did not have a nosebleed, otherwise it would be too shameful!

But why does she feel that her face is so hot?

Xia Changyue met his playful black eyes and blushed, holding the clothes he got from the housekeeper, and rushed into the bathroom.

When she finished the cold shower and was about to get dressed, she found herself in tragedy.

"What the **** is this?" Guan Jiaran prepared a set of **** pajamas for her!

Xia Changyue's crystal eyes went straight.

Looking at the pajamas with only two thin and translucent fabrics in her hand, and then thinking that Yan Chengchi was outside and let her wear them out like this, she would rather die in the bathroom.

She wanted to find a chance to talk to Yan Chengchi about the funding of the crew for a while.

If dressed like this, wouldn't she become a hidden rule asking for money?

Xia Changyue resolutely abandoned the pajamas in her hand, wrapped a bath towel on her body, opened the door carefully, and poked her head out.

"Yan Chengchi, my change of clothes is wet, can you ask the housekeeper to send me a set of suitable pajamas?" Xia Changyue gritted his teeth heavily on the word "suitable".

I'm afraid the butler will bring her a cooler set...

"The housekeeper has gone to bed with Han Han, no time." Yan Chengchi raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the bathroom, lying without blushing or breathing.

Seeing Xia Changyue's stunned little face, he calmly stepped forward, took a white shirt of his own from the closet, and handed it to her.

"Wear this first."