I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 641: The untouchable scales (5)

Xia Changyue pulled out the phone and looked at it again. There was still no signal inside.

Damn, he was prepared.

"You can't get out of here today without my permission. Instead of wasting your energy, you should sit down and have a good drink with me. I will send you back later."

Shang Lingsi looked at her anxiously, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more evil.

"I don't drink with strangers." Xia Changyue forced herself to calm down, and looked at Shang Lingsi who couldn't guess what she was thinking before her, and repeated, "What do you want to do?"

"You are the first person I met when I came back. Don't you think we are very destined? I want to pursue you." Shang Ling Stepped to her side, staring down at her delicate face, A meal.

"Crazy!" Xia Changyue was startled, squeezing out two words from his teeth.

Hearing this, Shang Lingsi smiled instead of anger, "I was a lunatic. Once I fancy it, I will get it regardless of the cost. If I can't get it..."

He paused abruptly, staring at Xia Changyue with a smile but a smile.

Inexplicably, Xia Changyue's back suddenly felt cold, shuddering as if being stared at by a poisonous snake!

Petite body, unconsciously moved to the door...


Yan Group.

Yan Chengchi glanced at the luxury watch in his hand, slowly stood up from the chair, and reached for his jacket.

Step out of the office.

A man drove back to the villa and glanced around, but didn't see Xia Changyue, who had already come at this time.

"Did she call to say something is wrong with the crew?" Yan Chengchi's eyes flashed and he turned to look at the housekeeper.

"Not today, and the subordinates are also wondering whether Miss Xia has delayed anything today..." Before the housekeeper had finished speaking, he saw in the courtyard, Jin Tesuke hurriedly walking towards this side.

When I saw Yan Chengchi, I was busy talking.

"Chi Shao, the person staring at Shang Lingsi, just broke the news that Shang Lingsi suddenly went to the crew, hijacked Xia Changyue, and took him to a club. This is the address!"

Jinte helped him and handed a note to Yan Chengchi.

"What are you talking about? She was taken away by Shang Lingsi!" Yan Chengchi's expression changed, and he turned and rushed out of the villa.

I got in the car, headed for the address on the note, and drove out quickly.

This person Shang Lingsi is both righteous and evil, and his mind is curious, no one can guess what he is thinking.

Just like now, something happened to Song Xinfei, and the new drama he invested in was in jeopardy, but he didn't want to deal with the company's affairs, but suddenly shot and took Xia Changyue away.

What does he want to do? !

He had better pray that he did nothing, otherwise, he would kill him himself!

At the bottom of Yan Chengchi's eyes, the wind and clouds gathered, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car disappeared at the end of the road like an off-string arrow...

"Huh—" The car stopped in front of the clubhouse.

Yan Chengchi pushed the car door abruptly and strode inside.

The demon's face was covered with a terrifying haze.

"Chi, Chi Shao, why are you here? Quick, arrange the best private room for Chi Shao!" When the lobby manager saw Yan Chengchi appeared, he greeted him respectfully.

"How many private rooms did Shang Lingsi open?" Yan Chengchi looked at the manager who walked in front of him, stretched out his hand and grabbed his collar, drew him to his eyes, gritted his teeth.

"This is guest privacy, we cannot disclose..."


Before the manager had finished speaking, Yan Chengchi had already kicked the welcome sign next to him.
