I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 656: An unexpected discovery (10)

"We still have something... let's go first." With a little effort, he pulled Yan Ling into his arms and raised his head to look at Yan Chengchi.

On the cold face, there is obvious protection.

"I haven't eaten the cake yet. What do you do when I leave so early?" Yan Ling was anxious when he heard that he was going to leave. As soon as he was about to struggle, the broken nerve in his head was suddenly connected.

Did she say something wrong just now?

Sticking his head out of Yi Haiyin's arms, I caught a glimpse of Xia Changyue, who was so guilty that he didn't dare to raise his head, and then turned to look at Yan Chengchi, who was about to eat people.

Excited all over!

"Well, we really have something to do, don't bother you, Xiao Yueyue, happy birthday, I'll make up the gift another day!" Yan Ling finished speaking, took Yi Haiyin, turned his head and ran away.

That speed is like a rabbit chased by a big bad wolf.

In the private room, immediately came down.

Only their family of four were left sitting at the dining table.

Han Han's clever big eyes slipped, as if he found something was wrong, his little **** moved and he wanted to sneak.

After receiving Xia Changyue's cry for help, he sat down again.

Two chubby hands are holding his cheeks, his little head is turning desperately...

What to do if it is swollen? What to do if it is swollen?

Unable to find a way, Xiao Yueyue will be domestically abused!

"Xia Changyue..."

As soon as Yan Chengchi's voice sounded, Han Han suddenly kicked the little princess who had been staring at the cake.

"Baba, when can I eat the cake, the little princess is so hungry!" Momo was kicked, and her big beautiful eyes were finally willing to move away from the cake, and she spoke without thinking.

There was a dazed little face on her face.

The adults’ world is really troublesome. If there are any spicy cakes, you must quarrel.

Momo's small soft body slid from Xia Changyue's arms, and ran towards Yan Chengchi with his legs, hugged his thighs and acted like a baby.

"Baba, can we light candles and sing the birthday song first, the little princess wants to eat cake."

"..." Yan Chengchi looked down at the little princess whose saliva was dripping onto her clothes, reached out and picked her up, and squeezed her little nose.

"Okay, light a candle first and make a wish so that my little princess can eat the cake, and then we will settle the account."

Xia Changyue: "..."

So, is she now on probation?

There is only one time to light a candle and make a wish. What can she do to make Yan Chengchi calm down?


Xia Changyue looked at the lighted candle, folded his hands together, and made a very pious wish.

"The first wish, I hope my family and friends are safe and happy." There is him inside!

"Second wish, I hope I can receive such a great birthday present on my birthday every year." He flattered!

"The third wish..."

When Xia Changyue was about to speak, she heard Yan Chengchi's lips open coldly, "Xia Changyue, all the wishes she said are not working, don't you know?"


"So don't think that if you deliberately please me, I will forget that you gave the roses I gave you to Xiang Feng as props!"

Xia Changyue: "..."! ! !

"Chi Shao..." Outside the private room, Special Assistant Jin suddenly opened the door and walked in.

Jin Special Assistant, who has always been rigorous, had a rare expression of nervousness, as if he did not dare to delay for a second, strode to Yan Chengchi's side, bowed his head to his ear, and replied something.

In just one second, Xia Changyue saw Yan Chengchi's expression suddenly change!