I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 669: Yi Haiyin's identity exposed! (3)

"What do you mean?" Xia Changyue's hand holding the cup shook slightly, looking up at him somewhat unexpectedly.

"When a screenwriter creates a work, he really controls the soul of the work, but once it is filmed into a movie or a TV series, the person who really plays a decisive role will become the director. The role you can play is very limited. Especially when you disagree with the director, the only person to obey is you. You should be very clear about this."


"We have collaborated on two works, I know very well, since you don't trust your ambition to give it to others, why don't you try it yourself?" Xiang Feng took a sip of coffee and said slowly.

"You mean, I can try to direct my own script?" As soon as Xia Changyue spoke, he was slightly startled.

The hand holding the coffee cup tightened silently.

She has not had this idea, especially when Bi Hao insisted on filming the passionate scene of Gabo people in their youth-themed TV series, she thought about it more than once.

Therefore, Xiang Feng only mentioned that her strong thought came to life.

"How can it be so easy? I have no experience. Even in the screenwriting industry, I can only be regarded as a newcomer. I will be the director. Will any investors and producers dare to hand over the entire crew to me?"

Xia Changyue only thought for a second, then gently shook his head.

The gap between ideals and reality is not just empty ambition.

"When anyone first entered the industry, dare to say that he had experience? When you first met me, didn't you doubt my ability because of my age, now?"

Xiang Feng's action of drinking coffee is very elegant, like an elegant young master in the upper class.

"It's wrong for me to judge people by appearance, but you don't have to hold a grudge for so long, guide, don't forget the amount of a gentleman." Xia Changyue said playfully, jokingly.

Seeing Xiang Feng's face turned dark, he drank coffee with satisfaction.

"I kindly gave you advice, but you ridiculed it. It seems that I am a good person in vain!"

"If you are willing to teach me how to be a director, then it will really help me, otherwise I will not have the opportunity to try." Xia Changyue raised an eyebrow and looked at Xiang Feng provocatively.

"Since I'm so sure that I have the talent to be a director, dare you train me with your own work?"

"Exciting general method?" Xiang Feng squinted, then laughed heartily.

"I am a director, and you are also a screenwriter. If the work is smashed, your end will not be much better than me. Why don't you dare?"

"..." How did she forget, "Meet" is her script.

"Call me a master, I can consider teaching you a little real ability." Xiang Feng looked at the small face that collapsed in an instant, and threw an olive branch at her.

"Really?" Xia Changyue's big sly eyes narrowed.

Master and so on are all fictitious names.

It is a real ability to learn how to be a good director.

She hopes that one day in the future, she will be able to produce a film and television series that best fits the soul of her script. At that time, the script she treasures, perhaps, can really be seen by Yan Chengchi...

"What's the truth? I'm not qualified to be your master?" Xiang Feng put down the coffee cup, touched his chin, and glared at her.

"I'm just not sure, if you really want to accept me as a stupid apprentice." Xia Changyue smiled to please.