I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 677: Yan Chengchi, what's wrong with you? (1)

Master Yi...

With just three simple words, Yan Ling froze at once.

Somewhat surprised he raised his head and looked at Shang Lingsi.

"What did you call him just now?" Yan Ling's voice was trembling, and as soon as the voice fell, Yi Haiyin had already led her, crossed Shang Lingsi, and walked in the direction of the parking lot.

As they had just walked a few steps, Shang Lingsi's evil voice slowly sounded behind them.

"Why Miss Yan doesn't know, this person next to you, but the most prestigious young master Yi family among the nobles in G City?"

"..." Yan Ling paused and wanted to turn back, but Yi Haiyin stubbornly led her forward.

He didn't turn around until he got into the car, with cold eyes, fixedly looking at the people next to him, and paused every word.

"Ling'er...I never thought of concealing you...you don't believe it."

"..." Yan Ling was shocked and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

What he said is not wrong.

She asked him, and he admitted.

But he admitted so simply, but she only regarded him as a rare humor, not taking it seriously.

Now when she recalled the scenes where they were together, she discovered that Yi Haiyin had too many things different from them.

He is cold and noble, especially when he is alone, the indifferent breath on his body reveals a strong aristocratic breath.

He is also an actor, but in his gestures, he has the elegance and calmness that they can't learn.

He is a rookie actor, but even the director surrounds him.

She would be cautious every time she went out, afraid of being seen by reporters, but he had never had such concerns, and even when he took her, he always walked in the sun with such openness.

She worried more than once whether they would be photographed by reporters.

But now think about it, it’s not that they are lucky to avoid reporters every time, but that even if a reporter takes a photo, the Yi family will deal with it, and will not let the scandal about Yi Haiyin be reported...

No wonder, he can't even wash dishes.

The dignified young master of the Yi family, how could he wash the dishes by himself...

"I like you... it has nothing to do with who I am." Yi Haiyin saw that her expression was not right, and shook her hand and tightened silently.

"How come it doesn't matter? You are the eldest master of the Yi family, I am just a little actor, or an actor who has had scandals, we are basically people of two worlds!"

Yan Ling blurted out what Yan Ling held for a long time.

To Shang Yi Haiyin's focused eyes, she couldn't say anything to blame, but too much information rushed into her mind. She reached out and pushed the door of the car and turned around to get out of the car.

"Ling'er!" Yi Haiyin panicked and grabbed her hand tightly.

"Yi Haiyin, maybe you haven't thought about concealing it, but you have too many opportunities to explain to me, but you don't. In your heart, are you hesitating? Or, you never even thought about telling me. who are you……"

Yan Ling's eyes blushed.

Turning to look at the restaurant they just came out, his hands clenched into fists.

This is the restaurant under the name of Yi's family, and she stupidly led him in through the small door.

The moment he was discovered, he saw her panic, but he didn't explain it. It was his restaurant...

He didn't deliberately conceal it, but he never thought of proactively explaining.

In his heart, did he really regard her as a girlfriend?

Or is it just a whim and play with her?