I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 735: The whole world loves you less than I lo

"What did he tell you?" Yan Ling dragged his suitcase and looked at the figure of Yi Haiyin leaving, his tone also became glum.

"You two obviously care about each other, why don't you sit down and say it face-to-face?" Xia Changyue took Yan Ling and followed the team out, and couldn't help asking.

"Who said I care about him? We are just ordinary colleagues. When the show is finished, he will go back to be his eldest and young master, and I am still an inconspicuous little actor in the entertainment industry. None of them belong to the same world."

Yan Ling said, her eyes dimmed.

"Ling'er, with your efforts, you won't always be a little actor. You are already a small actor now. The response to "Meeting" is so good. Your acting skills are obvious to all. I don't allow you to belittle yourself."

Xia Changyue hugged her heartily.

"So what? Even if I work hard, the gap between me and him can't be narrowed by hard work. You know it well, don't you?"

Yan Ling's eyes flushed slightly, realizing what he had said, he blinked quickly, pretending to be indifferent, and changed the subject.

"By the way, I have arranged everything you asked me to do. The two little guys are now following my parents. You don't have to worry about them."

Xia Changyue was thinking about the two little guys. Just when he was about to ask, he heard Yan Ling speak, and immediately couldn't care about anything else, so he asked about the situation of Hanhan and Momo these days.

"As soon as the two little monsters heard that you were here to find their father, they didn't need me to tell them, so they rushed to the room to pack their luggage and asked me to take them away."

When Yan Ling remembered something, he couldn't help but laugh, imitating Han Han's tone at the time.

"When Xiao Yueyue gets her father done, I will take my sister to her again, but Xiaoyueyue will go?"

After Yan Ling finished speaking, he smiled and patted Xia Changyue on the shoulder, "When are you going to fix Chi Shao?"

Xia Changyue: "o(╯□╰)o……"

She wants to fix Yan Chengchi now, but she has to meet people.

She now understands that Yan Chengchi's coldness was not cold at all when he was in G City, at least he wouldn't have so many bodyguards watching him when he entered.

Unlike now, the headquarters of the Yan Family Group, the office areas of all levels, are like pyramids.

She couldn't even get a step closer to the elevator leading to the president's office, let alone go up to meet him.

What's more, she didn't dare to let him find out that she was in the Yan Group, lest the mysterious person who called her would be packaged and driven out of the group before he found it.

The two people talked and laughed, and arrived at the hotel booked by the crew.

Only Xiang Feng knew about Xia Changyue's application to work in the Yan Group. He did not say anything. Xia Changyue was still on a business trip in the crew.

The filming of the crew has come to an end, and when the shooting is over, it will be finished.

She happened to be in S city, so no one found an abnormality.

"I don't need to follow the team now. Xiang Feng will send the questions on the script to my mailbox separately, so I won't live with you." Xia Changyue got off the elevator and sent Yan Ling to the door of her room.

Just about to say goodbye, I saw Yi Haiyin walking towards them.

To be precise, it was walking towards Yan Ling.

With his cold eyes, he stared at Yan Ling stiffly at the door of the room without turning, and the figure of Jun Yi showed a trace of gloom.