I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 753: What's your father's name? (4)

But what does this story have to do with Yang Muya?

Why did she get so emotional when she heard this story last night, even out of control.

Xia Changyue raised her head and looked at Yang Muya curiously. She almost couldn't help asking several times, pinching her thighs to hold back.

Sitting quietly in front of her obediently and staying with her until she returned to the room, Xia Changyue stopped in the resting area five meters away from her door.

Watching her enter the room, he sat on a chair and continued to guard her.

After a long sleep, Xia Changyue hurriedly picked up her bag at dawn and hurried towards the Yan Group.

After finishing work, he returned to the hotel.

This time, instead of going to the guest room, she went directly to the coffee shop.

After looking around in the cafe, Yang Muya was not found.

She was startled, and immediately, she searched all the places Yang Muya liked to go to these days, but she still saw people.

"Is it in the room?" Xia Changyue twisted his eyebrows.

But at this time, Yang Muya never stayed in the room.

Xia Changyue recalled her ugly face yesterday afternoon, and suddenly had a bad feeling. When she got off the elevator, she ran straight to Yang Muya's room.

I rang the doorbell, no one paid any attention, and then slapped the door hard.

"Ms. Yang, if you are inside, can you answer me?"

The only response to her was surprisingly quiet, so quiet that she couldn't hear anything.

"Bang bang bang ——" Xia Changyue was not reconciled, knocked on the door several times, and shouted toward the door.

"I'm not here to disturb you, I'm just worried whether you are sick or not. If you can hear me, answer me and I will leave immediately."

Xia Changyue waited for a long time, until his feet were a little numb, there was still no movement in the room.

Is it because she thinks too much?

Yang Muya was not in the room at all, but went out.

Or, she had secretly checked out and left the hotel while she was away.

As soon as this thought popped out of Xia Changyue's mind, she tense nervously, just about to go to the front desk to ask, the moment she turned around, she heard a sudden muffled noise in the room.

She stopped and looked back at the closed door.

The sound just now...like the sound of something falling to the ground.

Someone inside!

"Ms. Yang, are you inside? Can you hear me? Open the door for me..." Xia Changyue waited for a while, then ran towards the elevator decisively, found the front desk of the hotel, explained the situation and asked people to adjust Monitoring of the aisle.

It was confirmed that Yang Muya entered the room, and the people in the room had not responded before it caused concern.

After knocking on the door again and again and finding that there was no movement inside, he called in the hotel manager and opened the door.

"Ms. Yang..."

Xia Changyue was the first to rush into the room and saw Yang Muya who had fallen into a coma lying on the bed, and she was stunned.

I was sluggish for three seconds before regaining consciousness, "Hurry up, call an ambulance!"

The hotel manager saw a guest fainted in the room, and his face changed suddenly.

Busy took out his mobile phone to make a call...


In the hospital.

After a period of turmoil, everything gradually returned to calm.

Xia Changyue smelled the hospital disinfectant water, twisted his nose in disgust, carrying a bowl of porridge, and entered the ward.

He walked to the hospital bed, pulled the chair, and sat down.

Just when the doctor came in for rounds, he stood up quickly.